press release and articles available for the press
the Ganges Rescue Operation
Global Times
fund raising against the oxygen production loss risks
Global Integrity Campaign 1-4-16-64
an opportunity to produce all the clean energy the world needs and + solving global warming
The Climate, Milieu and Peace Movement of Global Integrity - With free press release
world war 3 mentality, the real problem of climate change, CO2 and terorism against humanity
A floating city 1008m long, 504m wide and 1008m tall wih sailing cube on top
Anandam, the Film-aid Festival - the king "Arthur" whose defense no-one can afford to say no to
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Celebration of Integrity Club Membership
Global Integrity Climate Fund of Integrated Growth
invest 10 million and earn a billion by the Climate Fund of Integrated Growth profit potential
solar energy collectors
A Happy New Year
the United Nations and governments of the world
Copenhagen CO2 meeting and the mentality of the problem
vär med å bygge en sundere verden ved nye miljö AS
Campaign introduction
Global Student Union
Floating city as foundation for the flying windmills
The Year of Global Integrity and our new Year of Non-Violence
Global Integrity, our answere to the challenge, need and opportunity of time by Global Warming
Integrated growth and sustainable development
University of the Integrity of the World
buisnessopprtunities of integrated growth
For Scandinavia / Verdens fredskampanje
alle som en sammen for fred - barnas gave og diplom
A free computer to all citizens in the world
World Constitution Fund
Our Products not edited page
What do people say and tell us what you think about world peace campaign matters
Global Times subscription
Campaign initiation December 2005 and Global Bank Opportunity
fulfilment of world society and economy by Global Bank
Global Bank
universitas, - a new nation
The Royal Principle of World Peace
Integrated growth by our 1986 book
invitation to universities, international organisations , governments around the world etc.
world peace campaign, expected participation from each and one of us
The founder of the science of wholeness enterprise, Rajananand Dhananjaya
solution to global warming
Stockcompanies, 108 alltogheter to raise 1,2 billion $ each
Intyegrity Internet
klima innsamlingskampanjen



Welcome to my or our homepage and our extrem enterprise is realy fast developing also by our common world defense making strategies and tactics combating world war 3 with duties and opportunities for the whole world. I am the only one comprehending the entire enterprise and is glad to present many homepages with exhibitions, introductions, invitations etc. published instantly and without reading through it, there always is some language mistakes and spelling control is run now and then. Old versions presented is good but often developments recently published is better as with better technologiacal combinations for our ship and climate change combat. All is orgionally developed for our foundations and organisations and as a gift to the people of the wolrd by our non political world democracy of World Constitution of our global homeland and global integrity. Recent combinations are usually buildt on old developments up to 30 years old published material and everyone wants to be associated with global integrity so we trust people to play decent, even though we se many are inspired by us and copying our materials even to degrees which may be illegal. This is a shame as cooperation within the enterprise or by the climate fund organisation gives even the best opportunities from any point of view. There are at least 1008 balls in the air, (at least a Norwrgian saying) or concrete areas developing a little every year by new publications which are up to date most actual and interesting. Please, be free to enjoy our publications and bare over with me, English is not my native language even though we have received the best compliments thinkable by language by published books where assistance reading through have cheked most things!

How about you? Are you ready to raise the mentality and spirit of the world by acctually building a healthier world of global integrity investing some hours in stock companies of integrated growth, perhaps as much as 2 hours a day, but let start with only 2 hours!

It is a great joy to say that world poverty, bad world economy and global warming may easily in the interest of one and all be solved, the shame of today may be removed if we want to, we living on this beautiful planet of ours. Unfortunately global warming seems real bad and may destroy oxygen production, as general pollution also is part of the problem. The temperature seems to have raised much higher than registered by news owing to the cooling of the depths of the ocean and a million sq km of ice, temporarily seen lower than real and so it may be with the climate gas concentration, too, owing to fast changes and storage in the sea both coming to CO2 and metangas which may be released fast!

Terrible risks of destruction of the world as we know and unfortunately it may come fast, we do not know, but the patterns clearly indicates possibilities, which are as terrorism against mankind not to take seriously!

So what is Our Common World Defence first defence, that is one and all stop leaving responsibility to leaders, governments, scientists etc. not knowing what to do and leaving the responsibility further to meeting, organisations, conferences etc. One and All taking together sharing our common challenge of time by our common world defence that is the solution. Complete strategies with flexibility to the changes and their life supporting values by good tactics or technology and its integration in world society is found. the world is down with a terrible mentality governing processes one think one can relay on, however, which represents the very sickness or problem itself, as 1999 was the year the problem was registered to be acted upon. One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity is the answer, and the time to act is now, and always now, unto global integrity is seen as an underlying opportunity or reality, where today all ecosystems and all aspects of society almost is in extreme unbalances!

CO2 pollution is not going down with the UN discussed goals, the problem is already here and what they tired to do was doubling our problem with the risk discussed. The greenhouse gas concentration is already there, the "reduction" discussed was actually about how much more to pollute! So reducing CO2 pollution to perhaps 10% or at 10% of the extra CO2 consumption one may add by planting forests and new farms and perhaps Alger in salt water from the sea, to become fresh water where Alger may be fertilizer for new forests, as neem trees is health product and bamboos may create flying cubes as part of the practical solution. (Here a 10% waste may become biodisel, otherwise such solutions is a shame). Then we need a million sq km of aluminium foil to produce the fresh water and energy to transport water and a huge amount of windmills where ours may be up 12 km flying where the wind is more than 16 times stronger than on sea level. Huge amount of balloons, sailing cities, stock companies raised by peoples voluntary work paid in stocks in companies with both risks and good profit potential is a plan, and we hope one and all works 2 hours a day against stocks and partly a minimum income for that equal for all, but some in stocks in company and some paid by real values produced by others as solar collectors, timeshare on apartments in floating cities going around the world producing energy, festivals, university congresses and education etc. The goal is making all houses self-sufficient with heating, hot water and electricity, all having their own second home (perhaps the need for a car is not experienced, however,) we have the best car engines going on pure energy and also the best way of changing existing cars to use it, and the best storage and use of energy for the purpose of any transport, even faster, however, going slow may save lives, not only pollution. The different patents is possession of the Climate Fund of Integrated Growth may by everyone’s cooperation realize this solution as the solar collectors really creates a cooler world by the sq km planned, as 1 degree Celsius cooler is possible, here more than a half as presented. This we may do together without any better solution to wait for and in such a way that world democracy enjoys 50% of the stocks in any company established giving democratic control to govern development, not isolated economic interests on the costs of the whole, but integrated growth. If the above is true, are you in? Careful study and some faith and hope and trust is needed but we expect you to be brave joining our Common World Defence!

The Year of the Integration of the Values of Wholeness and Integrity in World Progress we enjoy inaugurated by the Day of Global Integrity by Spring Eqinox Scandinavia 20th of march 2010. It is poossible to order Global Times Annual Magazine by eSubscription to do research into the suptle principles with extrem concrete values comming to your role in the world promoting progress without damaging the world at the same time!

Ordering eSubscription by Anand's personal Global Times Newsletter gives the opportunity to enjoy the film when or if presented, a stock in Anandam Ltd and the book itself costing 200 kr. Fourth edition of "The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace" printed in 1986 10 000 copies then costing 125 kr 80 pages. Now one achives only printed the beginning of the book "The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity"  including the annual magazine, and the rest by the eSubscription og Anand's newsletter, including a Global Times subscription. The book costs this way only 200 kr and includes the opportunity of the film festival and stock of stock company, - perhaps you make the opportunity real by establishing the national Anandam festival Ltd. the 2 following accounts may be used:

How We Won the World OK
represent the Anandam film trilogy and film aid festival we hope at least a billion world citizen tickets, are sold even before the first movie picture is produced. The OK from most people in the world is the supreme power worth celebrating, ok to realize world democracy by World Constitution of our global home or family land! Our Common World Defense is there to protect the realization and to remove obstacles as poverty and global destruction or disintegration by the damage known as "global warming", pollution or climate change. Realizing the infrastructure of global integrity by destroying the world is not an option and world democracy with citizens without economic independence likewise!'
Please, order your ticket now, by joining in investing in one stock of the OK Ltd or stock company, costing about £20, however before the company is established you order a Global Times OK eSubscription costing 200 kr (Scandinavian Currency by sending to one of the 2 accounts here presented the amount, name address and email dress you report the subscription fee paid from, then you send a mail with subject "OK Rajananand Dhananjaya  Global Times Newsletter-")! Global Times is such that everyone can be an editor editing his own newsletter as well as contributing to the reference center with books, pieces of information, own newsletter etc. and includes a Global Bank account for free information as well as for paying or being paid for information, as books, one page, pieces of larger introductions, magazines, etc. Rajananand Dhananjaya Global Times Newsletter is costing 200 kr and where the ticket to the film festival costs 108, 8 kr to eSubscription, 8 kr here is included in the 100 kr for Anand's Newsletter. 100 kr is held or sent for ticket reservation and if possible by a new stock company as a stock worth 100 kr, possible means enough people going together for the film festival at your local place or in your nation and your approval of representation for the easy general assembly meeting!

Anand (RajanANAND)
Rajananand Dhananjaya
postboks / P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway

Konto 0532 166 7831 (Personal account in Norway)
about me https://team108a.tripod.com/id43.html
Global Integrity Research Scientist (peace researcher / fredsforsker)
konto (personal account in Norway which also may be used for subscription or membership fee, just state what the payment is about)

President Rajananand Dhananjaya
World Constitution Fund
account in Sweden:
IBAN SE65800000000 78871309952 BIC swedsess
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
- also known as World Peace Fund by
the Constitution of World Peace, Our World Constitution of the infrastructure of peace and global integrity,
- one and all for peace and global integrity.

Everyone say OK, winning his own position of Global Integrity is the team of How We Won the World and very important as the mentality of the world may be said to be the problem. 1999 was the year governments should have stopped CO2 pollution, today perhaps we pollute more or at least about the same on the risk of total damage of the world society as we know it!



https://team108a.tripod.com/gt15.doc Global Times annual magazine

We are introducing the Opportunities of building a healthier world of global integrity without the elements of GLOBAL DESTRUCTION as global warming, poverty and pollution disintegrating the world. We seek the cooperation of one and all! Up dated 6 pages "word document" 18 january 2010



view logo and emailadress by doubleclik on the immage opening a new window or copy it into a word document

updated short introduction to our Common World Defence to combat global warming by a 0,4 degrees Celsius cooler world

World Peace Campaign


Why our universal duty and action and your immidiate action  is needed within the strategy of our Common World Defence?


The War against easy living and our world by global warming, pollution, poverty etc, World War 3, probably the most cruel and worst war ever, must be identified and met! Our warning to the world the last year was verified by the magazine Science, on west side of Antarctica there are enough ice below water to raise sea level 6m and that this ice has gone earlier by a 3 times raise of temperature than that of today registered 0,6 degrees above normal. Owing to the speed of raise of temperature and the slowing also of registered values by more than a million sq km of ice melting and the time it takes to heat the deep oceans, that value of 1,8 may already have been reached, so indicates scientific verification of 800 000 year old data, too! A wave of extreme weather hitting Antarctica may give a sudden sea-level raise of 3m and the large streams of the oceans may be gone in short time, actually before the Copenhagen meeting, not likely we hope, but as far as data, not unthinkable. The real danger is loss of oxygen consumption.

We might compete global warming by deliberately engineering a cooler climate and there is a little doubt you could cool earth in many ways, spending trillion of dollars every year. Our Common World Defence has found a way to earn trillions of dollars each year by integrated growth, producing energy by using the incoming sunshine heating the world producing energy, transport and fresh water to desserts and farms. It is a desperate situation for the world, when we are facing emergencies of global warming, our initiative to reduce the temperature with 0,4 degrees Celsius are ignored and the temperature G8, EU and others is accepted and even a further raise to 2 degrees Celsius above normal, now about 0,6 degrees. Discussed risks of sea level rise are real as by west side of Antarctic, but the real risk of loss of oxygen balance is ignored, as our complete program to remove the risk by governments. Producing water, food and abundant of energy may also remove the desperate situation for those registered by statistic of poverty as accepting 50 000 children death every day (according to statistic of poverty) as a by-product of the economy we uphold, is more than a shame, it may be the reason for the risk we are facing. When we have to adapt to the sun, it is interesting that the large war 5000-9000 years ago told of by Mahabharata, is indicated to be owing to corruption of the warrior cast, said to have accepted not being vegetarians in order to achieve strength! The new health information was then that the reason for dying was caused by people being fried by the sun, as now when the big meat industry is terrible and large, people dies young and also by statistic of poverty, and the whole civilization is in danger owing to the effect of the sun. Greenhouse gasses equal to car pollutions is also coming from cows and the meat consumption creates that social character structure of society, creating the indifference which has accumulated the problem So I hope you with me join in promoting the interests of one and all by a Global Times membership giving an eSubscription basic cost 36 kr (Scandinavian currency) and thereby registering to answer questions of The Global Voice of Conscience, non-political world democracy where people is standing together promoting global integrity. We hope as well as far as not a strain on your economy you join in sharing the expenditure of building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity and that you find a role in the universal cooperation to combat global warming, poverty and other parts of the present World War 3 against the fundamentals of normal, easy living!  It is the risk of playing Russian Roulette with our future, that is terrorism. If a sudden 3m sea level rise  hit us suddenly, the cooling of the Gulfstream may stop the stream, falling down into the sea owing to salt concentration from the heat release, for instance! That may damage streams around the world as plankton oxygen production depends on them, terrorism is identified by a real risk!

Part of the strategy and to create the foundation for decisions is to inspire most people of the world to go together for peace and global integrity, one and all together for peace and global integrity!


World Peace Campaign is based on one and all together for peace and global integrity, most people by non-political world democracy standing together creating a 0,4 degree Celsius cooler world, removing poverty by Global Bank and a minimum income to one and all and realizing the clean energy society by our solution to global warming.
The following 2 drawings may be seen by double cliking on them to open a new window where a good size is presented. The second drawing shows the windmill around a huge ball and balloon as the wind 10 km up gives extremly more energy than down on earth and our technology seems to work well. The first drawing presents the building project for our Climate University of Global Integrity and as base for the balloon at sea, is part of the solution as well! You may also copy the drawings into a word document and get the perfect drawing!
We welcome all scientist in the world to join in our climate university as most people in the world, but the role of scientists seem to be no good these days:

Our Common World Defense like to congratulate you, you have a mission to be enjoyed; one and all for peace and global integrity. Global warming if you or we leave responsibility to others is a huge risk, it is not unthinkable that the oxygen balance and our world society is disintegrated or destroyed as plankton in the sea is producing most of the oxygen and are dependent on iron and food brought up from the depths by streams. The Gulf stream going down outside Norway coming up in the pacific sea going around the world is sinking owing to its heat giving high salt concentration which may be lost if a lot of cold fresh water from ice is mixing in. On west side of Antarctic there is the first 3m of not unthinkable a sudden release of ice below sea level, as having gone before at temperature close to present! What is that momentum accelerating global warming making scientists to say year after year for decades that the accelerating changes is coming faster than expected?   They have advanced computer programs and in the UN related panel of scientists thousands of scientists are working together dedicated to the problem. In fact the most verified data they have tells them, but owing to not wanting to or not seeing the changes value owing to the short time the huge changes have occurred, they misses something as obvious that it probably is a fact that the present temperature is much higher than registered. They state that the changes today is an average temperature rise of 0,6 degrees Celsius and that they do not accept 2 degrees in the future! But according to the most verified data we already have passed 2 degrees Celsius above normal, just registering 0,6- 0,7 perhaps. The obvious reason for this is that it takes time to heat the depth of the ocean, cooling the surface with streams from below and Scandinavians know that the temperature depends on that in the sea, the Gulf Stream! Another value too, ice cubes mixed into the surface of the sea, make us not see the present day real temperature by greenhouse gas concentration according to research over 800 000 years!  This is not CIA but one million sq km of ice which disappeared from the sea ++! Scientists, governments, organizations and people leaving responsibility to them may be said to partaking in Russian roulette and terrorism against mankind and our world, Join our Common World Defense. Now and inspire others to do the same, always now, unto global integrity is safeguarded by our infrastructure of world peace as a safety net for one and all inclusive non-political world democracy!

Why may sudden changes or phase transition establish beyond repair changes destroying the world, perhaps next week and not in a hundred years as scientists suggests? Reversal of global warming may still be possible we hope, but if it is as suggested, the imbalances as bigger than registered, then of course anything can happen fast or anytime, if we are practical relating to the risk, that is the situation. We hope not likely, but it is the obvious risk we must relate to. There are known and unknown values which may manifest the imbalances seen, as Archimedes law for the entire arctic ice as an island, giving extreme pressure on the ice by rising sea level. What is that infrastructure of world peace giving a solution to global warming and other aspects of the disintegration of the world and society we may celebrate as a hope for mankind, for one and all?  Even if there is no global warming, this is what we as a world society must do anyway, as producing fresh water for farming, balancing unwanted changes, giving one and all a guaranteed minimum income as statistic of poverty with 50 000 children dying every day as today’s Holocaust, creating a lot of energy as oil is soon gone, etc. However, it seems obvious that the risks of global warming is more real than the world likes to admit, even those taking it real serious, so to say! The changes have occurred owing to extremely systematic activities most people have partaken in for decades, so balancing this takes more than people here and there doing something, even though that may be good too! Therefore we welcome most people in the world to say OK to systematic and immediate solutions by producing all the energy the world need by The Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and from solar collectors, using so much of the incoming sunshine and heat that the world is heated less! We are talking about 2 million sq km of solar collectors as a start both mirrors and lenses and on top of 216 000 balloons with a diameter of 714m in cubic flying machines also producing wind energy, flying high where both wind and solar energy is stronger, say perhaps 12 km up above equator! These are going with floating cities holding the balloon and flying machine down and receiving the energy produced, if not let out by balloons with hydrogen to be sent where needed on land! Transport may also be by tubes over the oceans, depth 12m perhaps, which also may be transporting people by trains with speed much faster than aero plans, as 2000 km an hour! It is important here to produce both solar and wind energy so one can balance as stop producing one or the other in order to not create new problems and we welcome the people of the world to inspire governments to leave everything with energy to our Climate Fund! This ship has a large dome with inner diameter of the hall 714m and in the 21m tick surface places for 504 000 people enjoying a festival with a rotating stage. The bottom is the ship 1008mx1008m and only 7m tall in bottom with the dome and frame above. The frame is meeting the square drawing which may be the plan of the ship or balloon by the inner circle with a windmill going outside and around and a cubic frame around with wings. On top of this solar collectors by mirrors and or lenses producing hot water giving steam energy for use in the flying machine and temperatures to produce hydrogen from the water! By a sail ship mast the balloon may be held high hold down by strings or the balloon lifting the mandala cubus sail plain may fly up high producing extreme amounts of energy so the heavy ship perhaps even may have high speeds by the surf board below! The following is a prototype 100 times smaller with a  deeper ship construction and many of these a little larger may be built as sail ships to take people to and from the Anandam festival!  The magazine “SCIENCE” has proved our many years global warning related to melting ice in Antarctic which may in short time raise sea level many meters, but ignores our many press-releases the last years. “NewScientist” magazine uses our approach by integrated growth to create global integrity by saying: We live in an imperfect world. Poverty, disease, environmental destruction – the problem are all too obvious. Many people don*t have clean water.... and the unsustainable lifestyle of the wealthy few is storing up catastrophic climate change. Can we do anything about it? You bet we can… only through science and reason can we hope to make a real difference in the future.” All technology needed exists already, perfect strategies to combat global warming, too. It is most people joining our common world defense, which is a must to create global integrity; science is just a tool, used here to inspire those with money to pay all wanting to be important in the name of science. Governments and their representatives, represents too many other interests that those of the people of the world as bad economy. Established in integrity, perform action by one and all for peace and global integrity, is the key. Action is to be applauded here, not too many cooks to create a mess! The climate professor of Stanford is using my statement, “When scientists know, then it is too late!” He uses it a good idea, while we are saying that the professor and the climate panel etc. is used as an excuse for not doing something, now, just as the climate conference in Copenhagen, it is a long time to wait and see!  The world of scientists, the competition of business and the role of governments representing so many isolated interests including national economy are without the stability to adapt to the global change needed and without a decent position to represent the world, the interest of one and all! Professor Per Finden at NTNU university in Norway told he has no faith in our windmill because it could not find that placing a generator would be difficult high up, tons of weight. This is the corruption of usual mills, only those know how to build, can do so and mills are much more expensive than they need to, because as our mill and usual mills, the energy may be moved as from the engine of the car to the wheels by rotating pillars! In our case we told him the weight is no problem, more good ballast but that taking down pressurized air also is possible! Then an ok to they using their windmill test lab was given, but with expert language demand and natural communication is ignored from there, against his duties by the law of Norway!



The above drawing is a floating city with foundation 1008mx1008m with a dome and inside a pyramid hall with walls 14 or 21m tick with room for more than half a million festival participants! Above is a huge balloon as a ball with about 7 cm aluminium thickness in the surface keeping hydrogen or vacuum inside and the cubic frame with a windmill outside and around the balloon ball and solar collectors on the roof!

Last shri yantra seems rather perfect according to some rules of drawing verified by advanced mathematical program Internet tells. Most important the ancient yantra fits perfectly into our Mandala Cubus, based on the ancient Mandala. The yantra image we need time to adjust, but the latest as presented above may be better than the other. The main thing is that it fit the mandala edition by the holy number 108 by the Stapthya Veda and also pyramid architecture. A dozen interesting combinations of 108 and 1008 id found in the architecture, to when mandala is used as above! Mandala Cubus is our name, as 3D perspective is our addition. The yantra also goes in with pyramids giving strength to the construction and marks roofs, floors and walls by practical values as the Brhamasthan centre inner Mandala Cubus when walls are to be drawn. This precisely by the 108 diameter squares of the drawing board so to say! 108 and 1008 is holy numbers in Veda, where Stapthya Veda is not a religion, still the mystics adds verification to the possibility that the largest triangle going up is the Cheops Pyramid or a pyramid architectural drawing where the pyramid serves as a foundation for the building above! Rajananand Dhananjaya World Peace Campaign (Double click on the drawing above or copy it into a document to see it better!)

Floating city present first project 216mx216m


Our top university building on the top of the pyramid building is 240mx240m and is as drawn for the Cheops pyramid or as we think the foundation was meant!. Of course the old Mandala is used and adapted in the same way… The 9 gardens or courts by the pyramid foundation are only completely working in the building on the top 2,5m, so below we perhaps have halls. We made a simple calculation of the use of concrete and tree based on expert advise for balances and floating 10m down in the sea and 5m above, the ship construction, gives just about 12000 ton  otherwise balances well. However, water tanks, engines, the huge top balloon and windmill or sail etc. probably takes more so the 10m below sea is extended as shown in the top drawing, the ship seen from above more and less! This give plus 200000 ton lifting capacity also to strengthen the construction of the tall building and perhaps give some large halls and one centre hall extremely large as 180m long! The 64 20mx20m 12m tall palaces and penthouses may have architecture as shown and the idea is that 2 month timeshare of one of the 3000 small apartments, about 40 sq m each

on 2 floors so during night time, no one at the sides, below or above, includes one day timeshare in one of the royal palaces. These 18 000 timeshare ownerships, 2 months timeshare a year for 12 years is flexible and agreements for hiring out if not used or used another year, as one month a year for 24 years, is possible as far as opportunities are available outside the steady 2 months a year! The 18000 ownerships should also cover the costs of building the ship or floating city, or actually 2; Ra 1 and Ra 2. 3,6 billion kr about (Scandinavian Currency) is only 200.000 kr for each timeshare + some running costs as water supply, security, heating , electricity etc. is partly covered by the price 300000 kr for one timeshare. Some costs of disposing the timeshare as covering costs of the office coordinating the disposal dares, electricity, water, security, travelling, etc. as well as transport to and from the ship both on arrival and departure as well as by all the visits to festivals, large cities, projects of ours etc. around the world. The ship and floating city is supposed to travel around the world by speed 6 times a year, so if one sticks to regular timeshare, one tour around the world a year is included. The 2 ships are supposed to travel together.

This may be how the building on top of the Cheops pyramid looked like. Using the shri yantra, a mandala and the holy numbers 108 and 1008 all ancient as the pyramids as architectural 3D drawings and combined by a good knowledge of Stapthya Veda, the ancient architecture and some sense of the need of the palace and what it could give by technology available, the above is the result and the windmill is by the same yantra (the 9 triangles within a mandala) which gives by hot air balloon lifting the flying machine, too, into the winds, the power to lift and transport the rock blocks and water, which is partly the same when building, otherwise it represents function of the building storing water! The windmill is also by our use sail for the sail-ship drawn, which is here the building where the 12,5m tall ship construction 360mx360m, 270mx270m square, 240mx240m by the square foundation of the pyramid and the diameter of the outer circle is 270m. The sail is running engines in the ship by pressurized air produced high up and in order to keep 5m above water to uphold the land proportions of the architecture; only 7,5m is under water of the large ship construction.

The preliminary calculation, having the ship construction above water with 5 m is based on that 10m below lifts 891000 ton, but the weight of the 15m tall ship construction by concrete walls mostly is about 500000 ton. Walls of the large building 100000 ton, walls of the pyramid formations including pillars 71000 ton. Floors in the 180mx180m building with bridging walls every 5m 0,5m tick, 85000 ton, with 60000 ton pillars 85m tall holding the bridging floors up as well, 10000 ton probably more for the 2 circles, escape tunnels from the top, 50000 tree (the other concrete) for the top building, gives 15000 ton left for people, water tanks, etc. we trust experts may make a more economic use, as the walls inside the pyramid walls may be only pillars!

The top building, the top of the 180mx180m building with 64 20mx20m penthouses as seen on the drawing.

The optimal windmill also produces solar energy both by the good conditions perhaps as high as 10-12 km up and the energy hopefully for 10% of the price of usual windmills. we welcome investments and being the duty of one and all as a solution to global warming, we welcome voluntary free work and universal cooperation to promote the opportunity for the world. Governments, organisations as UN, EU, NATO etc. is welcome to promote lawgiving on the level of each country in order to give business tax and custom freedom and other values by law, as a given price for delivered energy for a few years ahead!


wind so to say into the wheel, seen as black circle and seen from the side below with a ball in front to create duck-head aero-dynamic into the larger ball spreading the wind out to the wheel with windmill blades going around. The cubic frame has sail on both sides (not seen here) and on roof and bottom of the larger cube as well and the 4 side extensions on both side and up and down, serves as sail for flying as a dragon. The hydrogen balloon may have a diameter of 162m for instance lifting off easily held down by strings and set against the wind by the sail of the cube and perhaps flat sail on the string. The Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth by President Rajananand Dhananjaya welcomes investments as the cost of energy production probably is far below the usual costs, far below 50% even, perhaps as low as 10%. One of the reasons is the stronger construction taking the much stronger winds high up another that the blades more easily get rid of the wind behind, more space and probably sucking effect. The construction is cost-efficient to build and the surface may be used to produce solar energy by mirror and lenses, too! Solar energy production as well is best done high up and 200 million of these, some 2 million sq km of lenses or and mirrors may create a cool world, 0, 4 degrees cooler general temperature in the air and produced above the ocean, cooler sea-temperature as well!

A complete strategy to combat global warming including economy is based on non political world democracy to make the fast and badly needed decisions to replace the oil economy and production with clean production actually meeting the challenge of time, which is the hot temperature already here, weather we stop polluting more or not! All houses may be self-sufficient with small ones however better economy by large one owing to the much stronger winds and sunshine 10 km up!

The many better solution than usual windmills makes us finding it obvious that it is much better, as the circle  supported by cubic frames is stronger and takes stronger winds which ordinary mills does not, that the simplicity gives good building economy and spreading out the blades makes it easier for the wind to pass behind, that the ball and track gives stronger winds into the rotating blades around the ball, that the stronger and more steady winds producing many times the energy by the winds down on earth is reached by the balloon and flying properties of the cubic frame, etc. We have not tested it, but it is all known functioning, and absolutely not likely, if it is not working, our main idea is lifting the solar energy collectors we know works, high up where sunshine is strongest. At the poles, by the midnight sun, in the Himalayas as well where some energy is used to produce ice to replace ice gone, reflecting the sun as well. But of course 12 km above in the sea in the middle of the poles, perhaps travelling at high speed around the world with the sun, may be optimal sun shine. Cheers Anand Ps. Personal project as the patent application sent, but of course only together with the Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and our Climate University of Global Integrity:


our solution to global warming, a 0,4 degree cooler world

Our Common Challenge of Time, the disintegration of the world by Global Warming.

The terrible and desperate situation of climate terror represents a real risk of loosing our world, but even though the problem, the real imbalances of the world probably is extremely much worse than we are told by millions of presentations from scientists, governmental leaders, newspapers etc., the desperate situation is owing to leaders willing to play the Russian Roulette of the terrorism of World War 3. The new and present world war against the foundations for living is holding the people of the world ransom and scientists wants more money and respect, politicians wants to be respected like Nazi leaders and or is serving the economic and other interests giving them power, media is serving those interests and world economy, having their positions only because they ignore and have ignored real questions etc. This is very important to point out as most people are responsible to participating in world economy and leaving responsibility to others, even though they must pay for their mistakes! It is sad that those speaking the interests of people here, wants money and perhaps even sexual attention, holding people ransom. Saying so is not popular, actually makes it difficult to be taken serious, but unfortunately, that is and have been the real problem. If all governments did what was needed in 1999, the year Oxford scientists and experts means it was a fact that CO2 pollution destroys our world, our world is disintegrating. This is one of the reasons for Our Common World Defence to present the alliance; One and All for Peace and Global Integrity, as an answer to the problem, as well as that the world have proved lacking leadership to really meat the situation. The founder of the defence, Rajananand Dhanajaya, comes from Trondheim, Norway and is President of World Constitution Fund.

Global Warming, why is it probably worse than seen and related to?

Year after year the registered changes are said to be worse than scientists expected and what leaders relates to, telling that the obvious risk factor to be respected, can not be ignored. So it is September 2009, too. A reason study of measures is clear, worse than scientists expected last year in a number of serious balances as sea level, melting of ice in the sea, melting of ice on land etc.

800 000 years of greenhouse gas concentration and temperature following each other precisely, is a historic long time, not to be ignored, even though the changes happens so fast these days and years, that the change of gasses, not temperature, happens first. This may simply be owing to the fast changes, so the real increase of temperature is not to be registered before the depths of the oceans is heated, which takes much longer time than the surface of the oceans, cooled by streams from below. Temperature on earth as in Scandinavia by the Gulf Stream goes hand in hand with sea temperature, which is cooled by streams and by extreme amounts of ice melting, as one million sq km of sea ice is gone. So if this is the reason for temperature registered lower than the present greenhouse gas concentration and by research of a period of 800 000 years tells, that the real temperature is several or many degrees higher than registered, temporarily held down by the cooling effect of the sea. This eventually explains the scientists failure year after year, as they spend a lot of time, money, computer power etc. on finding the balances.

We have suggested that Arctic ice below sea level may be released faster than expected for years as some is below sea-level and Archimedes law represents extreme pressure on the Iceland! Science, the magazine and others have ignored our press releases and global warning for years, unto recently, when they verifies, on west side of Antarctic there is ice which may go and if so increases sea level with perhaps 6 meters. Later measures more precisely are done and they say 3 meters probably not considering the increase of pressure on all ice and that more ice becomes below sea level. Our point that when scientists can conclude, then it is to late, is also picked up by others, ignoring the one and only analyses in the interests of one and all, after all no one is interested in the world loosing it oxygen balance, which is possible. Owing to the huge imbalances about to manifest themselves, phase transitions may come, giving a sudden sea level rise of 5 meters for instance owing to a wave of extreme weather hurricanes hitting Antarctic ice! If this cooling water is reducing drastically the temperature of the Gulf stream going around the world, sinking outside Norway owing to weight of heavy salt concentration, going into the Pacific sea, then streams from below may stop feeding plankton with iron and food. Where there is little plankton, you may add iron and get a blossoming and it is plankton in the sea which is producing the oxygen, most of it and it is the hot temperature of the Gulf Stream which gives the heavy salt concentration and clouds above! This risk seams not unthinkable, total destruction of world society owing to the oxygen balance, but the most important are that there are risks we can not know about owing to reasons we not know about, as the scientists and media always, year after year are wrong.

It is a great joy to introduce a complete strategy with the tactics to stop it if most people is standing together doing what it takes. Even though EU and G8 may be terrorists against humanity and our world, we can congratulate them, also they must act at once, because they have decided that a 2 degree increase of temperature is not acceptable, and they now must act that we have passed the unacceptable, at once! If one and all inspire 4 new to participate as soon as possible, the simple solution of using as many sq km of mirrors to reduce temperature on earth while producing energy, may work. Solar energy is said to be too expensive to compete and there are no real free economy of competition, so even though we can produce the energy to a much lower cost, we are ignored and needs the supreme power of one and all for peace and integrity.

Rajananand Dhananjaya
postboks / P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway



G8 and EU terrorism against humanity or mankind, our world? Is a question which must be raised, when the activities they are responsible for by their government is risking the oxygen balance of the world. It is a duty to state so because the proclaimed accept of raise of temperature 2 degrees Celsius have this and other risks, which is terrorism to be responsible for! The governments are responsible for the activity of the country as also the Parliament for allowing pollution. EU Ministers had a meeting in Sweden, and reducing oil pollution by reducing accepted speed limits for cars or not allowing use of oil for other than good purposes, not for holiday and fun, no such development is registered; in stead they are trying to run away from the problem by reducing CO2 pollution by paying others not to pollute. Here others attacks them for not being good, but the terrorism is, that they do not relate to the problem, which is the heat and warming by greenhouse gasses already there, accumulated in the past, that is the present immediate problem and not allowing a plus raise of general temperature 1, 4 degrees Celsius, but reducing the temperature 0, 4 degrees Celsius, that is the challenge. We may stop completely polluting today, next month the oxygen balance may still be gone, owing to the problem, already here. It is not likely, we really hope, but no one can say that it may not happen, the risk is there. Scientists has found that by 1, 8 degrees plus, Antarctic ice partly have collapsed, by the fast changes it may be gone soon for instance by a wave of extreme weather hitting Antarctica.
The Climate University of Global Integrity raises the question, if the terrorism is not the problem, the willingness do create problems and use them in order to exploit the world! USA and EU is Economies down also owing to the terrorism it must be said that they accept of a 2 degrees Celsius increase of temperature by global warming, is! They states that the temperature now has increased 0, 6 degrees and accept another 1, 4 up to 2 degrees, in order to uphold their activities. By 1,8 degrees up there earlier have been a collapse of parts of the Antarctic ice, and a sudden change perhaps by a wave of extreme weather hitting Antarctica, may cause loss of the streams in the ocean and thereby the oxygen production we all depend on. The accepted risk may therefore be said to be terrorism against mankind, a duty to proclaim we do not like. our university have also showed opportunities giving better economy at the same time by patents disposed by the climate fund, so it is strange that our invitations are ignored. USA may become self-sufficient with energy in no time and start producing together with the climate fund by new industry benefiting the whole world by international trade. The reality of the situation probably is much worse by the 800000 years of greenhouse gas concentration and temperature going hand in hand. It is said that usually temperature is increasing first, and by burning of engines that may be so, but greenhouse gas concentration registered first now, owing to the fast changes. It takes simply time to heat the depth of the oceans and ice cubes has cooled the temperature as Scandinavia knows how important sea temperature by the Gulf Stream is, for general temperature. The cooling ice cubes has been more than a million sq km of ice disappearing from the sea, also stopping reflecting the sunshine, so the heating is intensified by the temperature balance, as well as glaciers of Himalaya and other ice!  We welcome EU to establish an European Climate Fund of Integrated Growth in cooperation with the Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth. The Swedish Minister leading the EU environmental meeting and program this year, is obviously inspired by our creativity and scientific approach when introducing concepts as combinations by eco efficient development and green economy, which our Global Bank by digital currency have had for years. USA is also welcome as UN and all governments alike is, to establish climate funds according to our program, the most decent approach to integrated growth of global integrity, as UN representing governments which are the problem and EU likewise, with their economy down in patterns of corruptions probably, while a global coordination must be above the isolated interests of governments and businesses. Eco efficient sustainable development may be said "the terrorists" need for upholding popularity and their own positions and economy. We do not compete with their position; we just want to add to the world what is badly needed, something new, which even may accelerate the economy of each nation. But integrated growth must be seen from within society, not as a technique to political manipulate the world to safeguard popularity and positions for political leaders. both their foundation for popularity and the trust in their economy is gone, and we are not involved, we just have a duty to point it out!
They state that the raise of temperature today is 0, 6 degrees Celsius as before the phenomenon Global warming and G8 with President Obama set a standard accepting a raise up to 2 degrees Celsius, another 1, 4! This is terrible, because that is the damage they find acceptable to do and the effect on the world may be a lost world. It is also terrible because they focus on reducing pollution in the future, not balancing the imbalances of today, as Our Common World Defence has proved possible.

 A Cooler World is the Climate Fund of Integrated Growth presents the answer to Global Warming and the techniques to reduce the temperature!
If the temperature raises 2 degrees in a few years the oxygen balance may be gone, we absolutely cannot risk the oxygen balance. The scientific proof of 800 000 years of greenhouse-gas concentration and temperature following each other, is questioned as raise of temperature usually comes first and global warming is starting with greenhouse gas concentration. The extremely long time may not have had such a sudden raise of temperature as by burning engines, atomic bombs and power plants and the many other heat and energy balances! We only say we have a proof for not risking phase transitions, not for actual balances, which are so complicated that no one seems to know! We do know however, that with a 1, 8 degrees raise of temperature before, the ice of Antarctic partly have collapsed, we risk perhaps a sudden sea level raise of 12m perhaps helped by extreme weather hurricanes, waves hitting Antarctic. These are real risks, and a sudden raise of sea level may stop the streams of the oceans, as the Gulf Stream is predicted to go! It is the streams, which feeds plankton with food and iron from the depths of the oceans, and it is plankton, which is producing oxygen, and we all have to breath! It may be also owing to unnatural industrial activities that the greenhouse gas concentration is registered first also owing to the fast change and it takes time to heat the depths of the ocean and there has been more than 1 million sq km of ice, which has disappeared, ice cubes cooling the sea temperature. The Gulf Stream by Scandinavia shows how dependent air temperature are of sea temperature and adding iron to water shows increased plankton productivity, as dependence of iron from streams from the bottom is established! It is the fast sudden changes which may cause such disturbances and no serious man can accept to risk it, especially when the Climate Fund presents opportunities for acceleration of the prosperity development by integration of the best of technology, as USA may fast be self-sufficient with energy at a low cost, as producing wind energy may be by 50% of today’s cost possible below 10%. One reason for this is that our balloons may serve small houses becoming self-sufficient and that the energy possible to produce high up in the air is many times that the wind energy by usual mills! So even though we expect our windmill to be far better than usual mills coming to technology, it may be only half as good still producing many times the energy, owing to wind conditions! We have invited the whole world and President Obama to join in by in depth analyses as here presented and while it may ensure world economy as well, obviously insecure going down owing to the uncertainty of the terrorism against mankind this situation may be said to be! It is a great joy to welcome one and all to join our Common World Defence. We expect one and all as good citizens to join in perhaps by our programs of celebration and organisations, governments, universities, businesses etc, to join in as well.  Establishing business development reducing the temperature of the world by using so much of the incoming solar heating, that the world becomes satisfactory cooler, is the strategy as the windmills by balloons, also collects solar energy!
Please, be free to send 36 kr (Scandinavian Currency) as CIC membership fee (Celebration of Integrity Club) together with name, address and emailadress to World Constitution Fund.
Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway
see also top on this page
http://team108a.tripod.com – the word ducument link


My chance of name from Stein Roar Andersen
to R. Dhananjaya in 2004 by registration
as citizen of Norway is a long story!

President Rajananand Dhananjaya
World Constitution Fund
account in Sweden:
IBAN SE65800000000 78871309952 BIC swedsess
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway

- also known as World Peace Fund by
the Constitution of World Peace, Our World Constitution of the infrastructure of peace and global integrity,
- one and all for peace and global integrity.

one people
one planet earth
one global reality
one k (ok) by one and all together for peace and global integrity
one challenge and opportunity of time by
and our one and only common world defence
one giant leap for mankind,- a small step of action for a 0,4 degree cooler world by each and everyone, most persons in the world to give a giant leap for mankind.


Ps. It is a duty to raise the question of terrorism against mankind because all done by governments seem to be an excuse for not doing anything and scientists supports them by not discussing the real problem, which is by common sense and not by science, as science when final, then it is too late! The last is that a USA university protects the President by stating that the raise of general temperature not at all is so bad, because if above oceans is calculated, too, then it may be moderate. Temperature is depedent on sea temperature at it takes time to heat the deep oceans where streams are going all the time and where the melting ice is balancing the real temperate, as one million sq km of ice and more! It is the risk we must accept by upholding bad activity by old patterns which have failed by the responsibility of governments controlling it, which is not acceptable and terrorism, do you not agree, and as Obama and governments, most people must take responsibility, too!



We have developed our technology and about 200 million balloons as a ball with diameter 162m and 2cm aluminium in the surface and hydrogen inside lifts about perhaps 200 ton, that is, it is flying. This balloon within a cubic frame with sides 324m in the centre of the cube upholds a windmil strong enough to take extreme winds high up, perhaps even yet winds, anyhow the wind gets stronger and stronger up to about 10 km and while the main idea is solar energy production, we may get above the clouds. Both wind and sunshine more steady higher up than down to earth. The solution to global warming here is that almost 2 million sq km of sunshine is used and not heating the atmosphere and the ocean below as we plan it by floating cities. This is enough to make a cooler world, that is related to global warming.
Our Common World Defence is the one and only solution to global warming, reducing the heat, by using mirrors or and lenses to use up the heating of the sun, as probably 2 million sq km is needed. However, we have combinations producing clouds to reduce temperature, too, by huge updraft towers, perhaps combined with black smoker hot steam, a combination is found without poluting, but we do not want to disturb any streams as the Gulf stream may depend on the heat and the oxygen production of the sea may depend or depends on the streams as by iron and food from the bottom of the sea to plankton. Mining is possible by our patent as well.
Using the energy producing fresh water and transporting it to desserts is part of the plan and transporting water from the sea into land and desserts may be combined with plankton production adding iron to the water and using plankton in the end to add to farming. Long plastic valleys with salt water and glass above is heated on the way and goes into steam with or without help in the end to be taken out as energy and fresh water for farming, salt and plankton may be separated. Plankton produces oxygen and uses CO2 and gives fertilizer to farming and planting of trees and bambus, coffe bushes etc. in the desserts. Best systems for transport of energy is found too. On top of the cubic frame is a squere balloon 324mx324m lifting some 3000 ton, of course minus the weigth of everything, but may be used as wing and parachute as well. The description of the technology is soon available!
Here is the cubic frame and windmill we have developed further. The mill may hang high in sky and produce solar energy or even fly around as a flying machine transporting people, energy, water etc.

Here is the latest flying machine from the about 8m tall flying car where pressurized air by a windmill is part of the plan, to the overground flying buss by 43,2m tall or perhaps only 16m. A world cruiser with appartments 108m tall and a huge flying city 1334m tall is presented or even 3 km tall where the updrafts towers is powerful owing to temperature difference up and down. All part of the strategy of the defense against global warming and the loss of the oxygen balance.


It is a great joy to introduce the building project of the largest yacht or ship in the world, a floating city 648m long, weight 1600000 ton and being more than 400m tall, half the weight still below sea level. It also is going to be the tallest building in the world with its cubic frame with sides of the cube 648m, with living rooms on the top, above 1000m, too.

There are 18000 apartments about 120 sq m each and with hotels, universities, spa, yoga and health centre, cruise ship and city centres and timeshare opportunities of studios, apartments and the 108 palaces with a 9 star hotel quality, Maharaja cruise value. Timeshare one month a year available of the palaces which also are planned as seat for the 108 Ministers, of the 108 coordinating departments of the city! 2 halls as a ball with diameter 162m and a dancing floor in the ballroom is 120m x 120m where even a football field may be added by the 60000 small rooms in the surface of the ball with view to the hall.

World Constitution Fund dispose the values of the new ship including technology presented for patent registration and we hope the new aerodynamic and hydrodynamic technology is as good as it seems and developed for the project, however, the new technology may not be applied, ordinary technology may function well within the organisation of the whole. There are water-skis 3 of them, may work well with or without motors and the new technology of skies also allowing energy production by the large sail, perhaps one sq km sail possible to set and energy produced by the skies. The cubic frames may be used for sail ship technology, but also function as a dragon or sail plain lifting by its huge wings, which may be motorised. Both wings and water-skis is planned with thin openings from side to side where the air (or water) below is stopped and pushed up or even by motors sucked up and then by high pressure be blown out backwards, air or water by the trimaran hydrofoil. The dynamics of lifting power of wings or hydrofoil skies is that the flow above is faster than below so the pressure up below is more than the pressure down above the wing or ski and our dynamic technology strengthen this also by square wings of the cube and to lift the 1600000 ton ship up so the ship is surfing on top of the sea. The cubic frame may have sail and wings functioning together and wings on top, perhaps.

By the largest cubic frame 5 sq km with solar collecting mirrors perhaps 12 km above equator it is possible to produce energy in form of hydrogen and by a 100 000 such ships and cubes, balancing global warming by more than 500 000 sq km of the heating of the sun used for energy production so the heating of the air and sea is considerable in relation to reducing and balancing global warming and giving more energy than twice that used by oil annually. It is a great joy that building and using a 100 000 ships is by good economy on all levels, even for building the first 6 by economy not based on energy production. A timeshare organisation of ownership to apartments increases the value by more ships, because then one may go anywhere and by a huge variety of festival and congress programs as well as cruise opportunities and university programs, expected to represent at least 12000 ships and their economy if apartments is inexpensive!

Our global common world defence plans to build another 100 000 ships and by building 1000 new nations with its own democratic constitution, important for all stock companies to enjoy protection and freedom. White the cubic frame may be organised as wind energy producers flying high by the winds falling fast and heavy against the wind going into the front of the cube and by sail lead to large wheels. Sometimes valuable during the night, and by a large number and a million sq km of mirrors, wind energy production may be well related to global balances. Mirrors reflects sunshine to a container of water to above 2000 degrees Celsius so hydrogen and oxygen of water is separated. The degree 2000 Celsius also produces glass, which may be the main building material, as now, the bottom is concrete and the houses by 20 cm tick tree, glass is an opportunity,

We seeks people to promote and join in an even a Climate Club with support membership exist! We shall be grateful to hear from one and all as soon as possible, while the risks of the facts of global warming imbalances, is not to accept as a Russian Roulette with the future of all families. A rapid increased imbalance by the phase transitions, the situation not unthinkable may remove the oxygen balance world society depends on.

Cool Climate Change Challenge Classic Culture Celebration Course Conference Congress Cruise Club welcomes altogether for peace and global integrity

This introduction together with above gif drawing is free and immediate press release, together without changes. If one wants a different presentation, please be free to order our assistance and tell how much you pay for it! A lot of assistance including better drawings may be possible to organize. (exception, spelling mistakes may be corrected, we are producing far more than we can publish perfected by such values)

The above is possible for everyone to add in a mail or to their homepage



Rajananand Dhananjaya

postboks / P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim, Norway


My chance of name from Stein Roar Andersen to R. Dhananjaya in 2004 we mention, more here


Personlig konto;05321667831

President Rajananand Dhananjaya

World Constitution Fund, our account in Sweden

IBAN SE65800000000 78871309952 BIC swedsess)

P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway

also known as World Peace Fund by the Constitution of World Peace

Vårt Felles Verdens Forsvar mot

Tredje Verdens Krig Terrorismen

mot Menneskeheten ved miljøet Verdens Fredskampanje

Operasjon Global Oppvarming og Integritet

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og World Constitution Fund -Rajananand Dhananjaya

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Norsk power point presentasjon!

The Year of
Global Integrity
inauguration Spring Equinox 2006 Norway
Integrity is dear to everyone, no one was to compromise once own integrity at any level. Nothing exist isolated, all is intimately connected to everything else. The world is facing dangers no one or no organisation is prepared for or in position to meet. Global warming, ozone layer damage etc. may indicates development chancing the oxygen balance for instance, and then mankind as we know it is probably history, smaller imbalances together with international chaos may give same result. This is a risk we can not take, ladies and gentlemen, and we challenge everyone to join the royal initiative to establish global integrated growth, to demonstrate global integrity by self-interest and loyalty to family and friends, to the whole world and to do it by answering questions of the Global Voice of Conscience, pure non political world democracy by the infrastructure of world peace and World Constitution of our Global Homeland. World Peace Campaign wants everyone to answer these questions and to forward them to 4 others in order to establish the network of communication and reach around the world. You know, 4-16-64-.......
Some of the question is a question of staying together and preliminary solution of integration of a new fundamental global order, challenging no nation or no politics or religion, only wanting to add a safety net for all and its development by the very important, not be chanced, non-political organisation, is of course by our democracy. Everyone is welcome to consider having a position as citizen of our global homeland accordingly, but may answer the questions without doing anything but promoting world peace campaign, universally acceptable for anyone.
The questions are:
Yes or know accepting Global Banks initiative to give everyone a free minimum income and a larger income for building the infrastructure of world peace, a matter of accepting or receiving the values given everyone. A yes it also accepting receiving a free income, as 1008$ a year.
Yes or no to receiving and giving by the organisation a free computer to everyone in the whole world with internet and phone and pure energy mini  production as for instance by solar energy.
Yes or no to a proclamation by the Global Voice of Conscience against genetic manipulation of food and people, where a yes means not accepting that any product developed by anything which is genetic  manipulated is presented people as well known food. If a strawberry is genetic manipulated, it is not a strawberry anymore and should not be allowed to be presented people for sale or otherwise as a strawberry.
Yes or no to promoting space and the ocean of the world to be governed by our global democracy.
Yes or know accepting that your own country gives away some land to a new international nation of global land and perhaps so small as an international airport or harbour, a small island or a few km2 of the sea not too deep!
Request for ordering a E-subscription costing not much is there, too as well as membership by E-subscription in different humanitarian foundations.
 Reflections on the initiative international integrated growth in order to reorganize all production to become environment friendly and not disturbing societies living, we also request by this our world peace campaign.
Yes or no to willingness and intention trying to forward the campaign to 4 new within a week is the last question.
Yes or no to accepting hydrogen as the consumer product only, so that all production of energy must end in hydrogen and the different production systems may enjoy an opportunity to compete as well as mass-production gives good prices. Oil may still give energy, but also building material by magnesium carbonate (according to New-scientist about saving the planet Gaia, is a practical possibility)!
Yes or no to a free gift of a sailing cube for each person including tent and solar energy production.
The 2 first question easy to say yes to is a minimum income to all and a free computer to all, and we mean each and everyone of us, is the first to be answered, of course together with accepting joining in. One may state “not sure, yes a good idea, any better, sorry must study the question” etc. in stead of saying yes or no, but if one think it generally is a good idea promoting the infrastructure of world peace, we shall be grateful to receive a single easy to register, “yes”!
Integrated Growth is the opposite of isolated growth where developments are damaging costs for the whole, as producing environmental unacceptable imbalances or disturbing a societies future or possibility to live a normal and healthy life. Sustainable development and social entrepreneurship may be words associated with the concept, but we do not organise to support any social group or business or promote aid, we just promotes a healthy development and have no objection to free competition or present organisations, as far as they are inside healthy developments, because owing to risks for mankind and safety first for the people of the world, the future of the children, strongly emphasise the need for reorganising how things are done. We do not however need go backwards in development and prosperity, just make sure that when we do something better, more inexpensive, creating something new etc. and take charge within the acceptable development. For instance , even though technology is not our skill of science, the science of wholeness is, just by making the right strategies for development, has given the right questions and some answers and possible technological solution has come to us. The research has been search for complete international solutions to transport based on pure energy not damaging the valuable oil which may be used for plastic and other non polluting developments and for self-sufficient houses, producing their own energy. The need for cars probably would not be there if everyone has the free stability of a extra place to stay and decent good transportation for any needs. However we have made a sail-cube for the purpose of lifting up the entire car, giving transport in the air, as suggesting that existing ships may get a surface of plastic with millions of wholes blowing air out pushing the ship forward and even up towards the surface and creating a level of air between the ship and the water removing friction too, so in a period before new and better transportation takes over, good solutions may be made. The sail cube moving the car may give transport for people carrying water in Africa, too and be a ET bicycle in the air, with extra lifting power of many small helicopters, 16 suggested.

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Choose and receive for free one of the eBooks below and copy in its title here:

Copy in one of the following eBooks and receive it for free, as we shall be grateful to receive your interest.
The personal book by Dhananjaya, preface only:
Love, the Unifying Force of Integrity
a general introduction to the Science of Wholeness enterprise,


https://team108a.tripod.com/norge Norskspråklige sider

Film aid

Invitation to join
World Peace Campaign
The movement Togther for Peace welcomes you, each and everyone, all citizens in the world, to join in integrating a global safety net for all, the infrastructure of world peace, universal global cooperation organized also as pure, non-political world democracy.
World Peace Campaign offers you a generous opportunity to fulfil some of your responsibilities for the world and to join in voting as a global citizen.  Accepting a minimum free income for alll also includes a free portable pc to all citizens in the world with internet connection, our Global Intranet by Global Times with telephone and codes for voting, secure use of the digital currency by Global Bank and free information. The 2 main themes of the campaign is networkbuilding and voting for accepting the Global Bank initiativ to give everyone a minimum income to end worldpoverty. Great opportunity, all needed, most people says thanks to real extra money! different other aspects of the campaign is integrated by different expressions of the campaign material, but the 2 most important aspects of the campaing and developing infrastructure of world peace is accepting a minimum free income and promoting it to 4 others doing the same, inspiring 4 others to do the same; 4-16-64-251-1008-4016-16064-......... A free computer to everyone allows correlation of assistance to developing countries with free information and also for the economies of distributing food and help may enjoy opitimum economy, do least and accomplish most.

It is a great joy to invite you to join in Team 108B to be established or Team 108C , 108D or Team 108E where eace team of 108 persons should promote to establish 4 other teams around the world as we do by this welcoming introduction. A togetherness team standing together with the whole world, all peopke in the world is a challenge to each and one, and a universal answere to the challenge, need and opportunity is found in this team campaign to promote establising teams around the world 4-16-64-256-1024 teams etc.

Stop, looking, listen..... thats my philosophy, -the song goes.

Stop. Internet and the world of organisations is so huge with possibilities and things to consider. One unifying intiative to integrate the whole world by a safety net for all by world constitution, differs from all activities of isolated growth.

Team 108A responds to this answere to the challenge and need of time and invites people to join in coordinating groups of 108 persons around the world in a network of such groups to join in establishing non-political world democracy and New Fundamental Global Order defined by world constitution.

Look at this vission of possibilities of fulfilling world development rather than ending it by the train of development without anyone there to stop it heading towards

what may be the end of mankind as we know it! Fulfillment is needed to balance the huge effect of of isolated growth on the cost of the whole.

Listen to your conscience and join in the global voice of conscience the democracy ius named and stop such shame as the holocaust economy oof the world, of ours witth statistic of poverty telling 50 000 children is dying every day. Even children from rich families is hit by the uncertanty of global warming, lack of respect for private life, the freedom and independence of each and one of us.

Join our team and inspire family, friends, perhaps people in your present or former class at school etc. tyo join in with you.
4-16-64 is very important, ant thetime to act is now, and always now, unto most people say yes to an immidiate solution to the problem known by stistic where 50 000 children is dying every day. You may be do person initiating the campaign succsess reaching around the world by your start, that would be nice of course sharing the succsess with all of us, but if you do not do your 4 in the campaign, you may be the reason for the campaign beeing days or weeks later, and what does the stistic says about what you then participate in, now speaking particulary to those inside world economy, spending monney!

The cooperation is about the 4 and only expressions of global and universal cooperation between the people and citizens of the world. This is non political and not in competetion with any other activitires, we just want to add a foundation for peace, progress, integrated growth and fulfilment for mankind. We hope not to be too late to stop the train and to enjoy true world harmony. The 4 aspects of New Fundamental Global Order, the safety net for asll, is New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum free to ensure everyones economic independencer, New Fundamental Infrmation, Communication, Research and Education Order with the library of the unity of science available for all and non political world democracy to govern the cooperation by democratic controland vcelebration of the union of ouir global homeland by the togetherness of all people!

Everyone joining in is supposed to inspire and register 4 others participation in the campaign, too and while time is essential, hopeully within a week.
For schoolclasses and persons with skills in organising, the same is for group of 108. One establishes a group of 108 persons giving signatures together and promotes the building of 4 other groups around the world.
There are different aspects of the voting for a minimum income to all integrating different aspect of the campaign and different projects of the enterprice. One is even with a multilevelmarketing organisation selling books, different subscriptions, courses etc. with an excelent opportunity for achiving income as selfsufficient independent business, covering expeneses etc. Actually earning $ a million may be possible parttime within a year or 2 with succsess, this both for persons and teams. COORDINATING UNITS OF 108 may enjoy 4 areas of activity as establishing a business or internet multilevel marketing, develop an aspect of the library of the unity of science, promote world democracy themes and arranges celebrations, congresses, ferstivals etc. according tothe high standards of our enterprice.

The campaign in the norther countries or Scandinavia

World Peace Campaign for the city of Trondheim

https://team108a.tripod.com/ntnu/ The campaign is integrated in many activities as NTNU mesterskapet i lynsjakk, stahpoker og go!

A NOK 50 or SEK 50 E-subscription is available, including a few pages of our CD book by each issue. Message when sending money is "Global Times weekly newsletter E-subscription" Our account in Sweden may be used
World Constitution Fund, also known as World Peace Fund by the Constitution of World Peace, President Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
Account in Sweden by Foreninngssparbanken AB Åre 
account number 7887-13-09952
(kontonummer ref.) IBAN SE6580000000078871309952

Above is the logo of this our Year of Global Integrity.
Joining a Team 108 may very well be to take the challenge to establish a coordinating team in your country and by agreement possible to achieve by application, open a world peace account to organise the E-subscription in your country. Norway and Sweeden is among the countries with a coordinating unit allready, and accounts. Send a mail and be free order, and we shall be grateful to receive it and inform you about World Constitution Fund accounts! It is a great joy to welcome you to join in world peace campaign.


Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Campaign mail to the above adress communicating participation including only 3 aspects and subject: world peace campaign

says yes to a minimum income for free information as books, news, courses and / or free food, yes to try inspiring 4 others within a week or 2 and yes or no to a E-subscription costing 25 NOK or about US$ 3. The last part of the mail you do not send if you do not want the subscription.

Mail to Rajananand_Dhananjaya@yahoo.no:

subject: world peace campaign

I herby communicate accptance of Global Banks offer of a free minimum income to all for food or free information by Global Times and a free PC with phone and organisations for the digital currency of Global Bank and non-political world democracy to control the organisation and I hope to find at least 4 others doing the same promoting the campaign to 4 others and communicating acceptance.
Please, accept my subscrption and register my Global Times World Peace Campaign Esubscription costing 25 NOK or about US$ 3 quaterly.
Esubscription by our emailadress and if you just promotes the campaign, and do not want an Esubscription, you just do not copy the subscription message into the mail you send to the campaign administration or the fund, our humanitarian foundation.

Please, if someone invited to join in the camapaign, add to the mail to the fund:

"___________ (name) inspired me to join the campaign."


https://team108a.tripod.com/norge/id11.html Invitation to the world press, governments, universities and busineses.

Year of Global Integrity and Global Intranet, network building, the pure and Global Democracy of New fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order


It is classic to state that ones integrity is all one has, integrity must be protected, respected, not compromised and developed as optimum integrity is as optimum health, unless perfect with growth opportunities. The development of the theme of the year has also revealed that health and integrity is almost the same, but integrity is interrelated to everything of course, as nothing exists isolated, everything is intimately connected to everything else!


Doing business on Internet by principle is difficult, everything may be controlled and if you actually are reaching others, you do not know, internet mafia may have programs to interfere and abuse the possibilities.


A New Internet without crime possibilities like that, spam, pornography and endless pages of value not verified and without democratic control by the users or the people of the world we here introduce as our project. Who are we, is a question we hope you ask as well as a position of citizen of the world joining in Integrity Internet.

It is a great joy to welcome you to join in. Our invitation to one and all includes becoming a subscriber on Global Times where everyone also may be an editor presenting his own newsletters, books, homepages or adding to the reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science.


Integrity Internet membership includes position as subscriber and editor of Global Times and is achieved by finding 4 others who also are new subscribers of Global Times. The new subscription costs only 12 NOK (about £1) so you may pay the sum for them while paying for your own subscription and inspire them to become members as well.  It could have been for free, a large number of members are always possible to earn money on by advertisements, for instance, but in the Year of Global Integrity we want people to be self-sufficient. The 4 do not need to be members, just registered as subscribers by email account, name and address.

Integrity Internet Membership costs nothing but publishing and ordering information do in many situations, but a free monthly newsletter for a year is covered by the subscription. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly. Club1008@lycos.com may be used to communicate your aspiration to become or position as new member of Integrity Internet, if the subscriptions are paid and you have registered 4 new subscribers.


Become a Pioneer of Integrity Internet.


Yours Sincerely Rajananad Dhananjaya, President World Constitution Fund


Ps. Please be free to copy the above as a whole when inspiring others to join in the Integrity Internet Campaign

Studentenes Innovasjons Universitet konsept for ukentlig eller daglig nyskapnings tv program fra en eller alle tv kanaler, med en hovedkanal. Tema integrert vekst og faktisk etablering.
50% av aksjene uansett til stiftelsen, 10% til TV selskapet og 40% til andre hvor oppfinner får en Royalty inntil et vist beløp x av 50% av inntektene, y av 10% av inntektene etter det og z innen1% av inntektene. Folk får mulighet til å bestille aksjer ved nyetableringen hvor hver aksje koster kun 10 kr + gebyr 2 kr, b aksjer for forenklet administrasjon! Gebyret skal dekke konstituerende generalforsamling og administrasjon inklusive utfylling av søknadsskjema etc. ved standardiserte rutiner ved computerprogram og sekretariat for disse selskapene, også etter etablering. Der er 2 runder av konkurranse, den som greier å reise mest kapital og den som i løpet av et års tid tjener mest penger. Man har eksperter på integrert vekst, økonomi og svært intelligente mennesker med kontaktpanel av eksperter som kan ringes, som vurderer patentet på det direktesendte programmet hvor patenthaver får presentere sitt første gang og også eksperter som kan søke på lignende patenter. Uansett hvor dum ideen må være kan man få en artig og interessant debatt og om patent virker eller ikke blir det satt i gang og utlyst konkurranse om å finne en bedre patent for samme problem, om patent presenterer har dum patent med ok problem, kan ha være med i selskapet som integrerer flere og flere patenter for løsning av samme problem både i forhold til teknisk løsning og sett av løsninger for kunnskap og know how pyramider hvor patent presentert er kun en del. For eksempel en har funnet løsningen på bremser i bil, hvorfor ikke ta å lage en patentpyramide å bygge opp den beste bilen også i forhold til andre løsninger for bil og i forhold til miljøet. Hver patentholder får generelle aksjer i selskapet og en royalty på utnyttelse av patentet og aksjer og royalty i selskapet for deltakelsen, timelønn fremmover uavhengig av om hans løsning blir den integrerte, men als pluss royalty gjerne i million og milliard kr fortjeneste potensial innen 10 0g 1 prosent av inntektene. Studentenes Innovasjons Universitet disponerer alle andre verdier ved patentet etter at Royalty er utbetalt og aksjonærene har oppnådd minst 107 ganger innsats og 10% av deres opprinnelige aksjeverdi i fortjeneste. Universitetets disponering av verdier er for verdens folk og ved rent, intet politisk demokrati, Verdens samvittighets stemme, med sikkerhetsnett for alle som tema. For å delta må en ha kategorisert ens patent en uke før deltagelse ved garanti for at man får 3 minutter på tv til å vise at man har en teknisk løsning man kan nytte 5 minutter til på å presentere, 3 minutter etter programleders introduksjon av kategori. Man får innlevere ideen kryptert i begynnelsen av uken med dokumentasjon av at man får 3 minutter på direkten i panel hvor alle skriver under med, krypteringsnøkkelen gies etter presentert på tv og om man vil kan man få gå igjen med et team før tv programmet ens presentasjon for enten at teamet beviser at man vil dumme seg ut eller assisterer med å påvise hva som er viktig å si og kanskje hvordan. Der vil alltid være tid for lite, da programmets tema er nyutvikling og undersøking av hva som er samfunnets problem pyramide og hvordan kunnskapspyramide dannelsen løser problemene, altså alle problem inklusive økonomi, markedsføring, miljøspørsmål, produksjons moral i forhold til samfunnsøkonomi og naturressurser etc. Kartlegging av hvilke selskap som kan være interessert i å føre ideen videre og integrere den i sitt virke, gjerne alle er også en god ide. Har man den beste bremsen, hvorfor skal ikke alle bilprodusenter benytte nettopp den, det er i folks interesse med fri konkurranse på dette nivå. Universitetet håper å få med alle tv produsenter verden rundt på å arrangere slike program og har biblioteket for enheten av vitenskap som referansesenter som kan bli verdens referansesenter for all nyskapning, slik at registrert her vil man øyeblikkelig ved katalogiseringssystemet så å si, være offentlig tilgjengelig først registrert verden rundt. For å ha slik verdi globalt må naturligvis vårt krypteringssystem være globalt, slik at der sendes krypteringspresntasjoner uken før verden rundt for kontrollrutiner, som for globalt demokrati og global bank. TV programmet vil slik bli selve katalysatoren for akselerering av velstandsutviklingen ved å være en del av integrert vekst korreleringer ved det helhetsvitenskapelige fakultet med 4 institutter av komparativ forskning studie ved Integrert Vekst Fakultet vi også innbyr alle universitet til å opprette. Sekretariatet bør ha et nettverk av eksperter på økonomi da en dyktig oppfinners rolle ikke er å gjøre seg selv til økonom, da utfordringene i moderne økonomi krever et vidt spekter av kompetanse det tar lang tid å utvikle. Det synes som man skal kontrolleres og bli underkastet kremmer prostitusjon, mens man skal aldri gjøre noe for penger, men ha ekte hensikter og naturlig glede av utfoldelse av talent og skaper trang. Verden trenger å bli bygget meget bedre enn i dag og tekniske løsninger som kontrolleres og økonomisk utbyttes er hva som er rådende, løsninger som ødelegger verden, verden trenger å heve seg over slik grådig fattigdoms mentalitet og integrere det beste av alle løsninger og takket være Integrert vekst Fakultetet ved Studentenes Innovasjons Universitet kan man lage et slikt ekte reality program ved vårt konsept. Det koster 12 000 kr for et tv selskap å søke om å få samspille med vårt konsept og dette gir skriftlige utredninger, bøker og publikasjoner samt en konferanse, eventuelt om ekstrakostnader dekkes foredrag og større konferanse over tid, ekstrakostnader kan da være timebetaling mer enn 3 timer, annen lokalisering enn for eksempel Trondheim og åpent foredrag, ekstra kostnader ved valg av sted, for eksempel Brittania hotell, som tidligere har lånt ut konferanse rom til oss. Pengene kan sendes Rajananand Dhananjaya, postboks 22, 7400 Trondheim
(Se også http:// )  team108a.tripod.com
Stahpoker er mulig å integrere og det hele som et humanitært foretagende.

Yours Sincerely (mvh)
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Postboks 22, 7400 Trondheim

Our Common Challenge of Time, the disintegration of the world by Global Warming.

The terrible and desperate situation of climate terror represents a real risk of loosing our world, but even though the problem, the real imbalances of the world probably is extremely much worse than we are told by millions of presentations from scientists, governmental leaders, newspapers etc., the desperate situation is owing to leaders willing to play the Russian Roulette of the terrorism of World War 3. The new and present world war against the foundations for living is holding the people of the world ransom and scientists wants more money and respect, politicians wants to be respected like Nazi leaders and or is serving the economic and other interests giving them power, media is serving those interests and world economy, having their positions only because they ignore and have ignored real questions etc. This is very important to point out as most people are responsible to participating in world economy and leaving responsibility to others, even though they must pay for their mistakes! It is sad that those speaking the interests of people here, wants money and perhaps even sexual attention, holding people ransom. Saying so is not popular, actually makes it difficult to be taken serious, but unfortunately, that is and have been the real problem. If all governments did what was needed in 1999, the year Oxford scientists and experts means it was a fact that CO2 pollution destroys our world, our world is disintegrating. This is one of the reasons for Our Common World Defence to present the alliance; One and All for Peace and Global Integrity, as an answer to the problem, as well as that the world have proved lacking leadership to really meat the situation. The founder of the defence, Rajananand Dhanajaya, comes from Trondheim, Norway and is President of World Constitution Fund.

Global Warming, why is it probably worse than seen and related to?

Year after year the registered changes are said to be worse than scientists expected and what leaders relates to, telling that the obvious risk factor to be respected, can not be ignored. So it is September 2009, too. A reason study of measures is clear, worse than scientists expected last year in a number of serious balances as sea level, melting of ice in the sea, melting of ice on land etc.

800 000 years of greenhouse gas concentration and temperature following each other precisely, is a historic long time, not to be ignored, even though the changes happens so fast these days and years, that the change of gasses, not temperature, happens first. This may simply be owing to the fast changes, so the real increase of temperature is not to be registered before the depths of the oceans is heated, which takes much longer time than the surface of the oceans, cooled by streams from below. Temperature on earth as in Scandinavia by the Gulf Stream goes hand in hand with sea temperature, which is cooled by streams and by extreme amounts of ice melting, as one million sq km of sea ice is gone. So if this is the reason for temperature registered lower than the present greenhouse gas concentration and by research of a period of 800 000 years tells, that the real temperature is several or many degrees higher than registered, temporarily held down by the cooling effect of the sea. This eventually explains the scientists failure year after year, as they spend a lot of time, money, computer power etc. on finding the balances.

We have suggested that Arctic ice below sea level may be released faster than expected for years as some is below sea-level and Archimedes law represents extreme pressure on the Iceland! Science, the magazine and others have ignored our press releases and global warning for years, unto recently, when they verifies, on west side of Antarctic there is ice which may go and if so increases sea level with perhaps 6 meters. Later measures more precisely are done and they say 3 meters probably not considering the increase of pressure on all ice and that more ice becomes below sea level. Our point that when scientists can conclude, then it is to late, is also picked up by others, ignoring the one and only analyses in the interests of one and all, after all no one is interested in the world loosing it oxygen balance, which is possible. Owing to the huge imbalances about to manifest themselves, phase transitions may come, giving a sudden sea level rise of 5 meters for instance owing to a wave of extreme weather hurricanes hitting Antarctic ice! If this cooling water is reducing drastically the temperature of the Gulf stream going around the world, sinking outside Norway owing to weight of heavy salt concentration, going into the Pacific sea, then streams from below may stop feeding plankton with iron and food. Where there is little plankton, you may add iron and get a blossoming and it is plankton in the sea which is producing the oxygen, most of it and it is the hot temperature of the Gulf Stream which gives the heavy salt concentration and clouds above! This risk seams not unthinkable, total destruction of world society owing to the oxygen balance, but the most important are that there are risks we can not know about owing to reasons we not know about, as the scientists and media always, year after year are wrong.

It is a great joy to introduce a complete strategy with the tactics to stop it if most people is standing together doing what it takes. Even though EU and G8 may be terrorists against humanity and our world, we can congratulate them, also they must act at once, because they have decided that a 2 degree increase of temperature is not acceptable, and they now must act that we have passed the unacceptable, at once! If one and all inspire 4 new to participate as soon as possible, the simple solution of using as many sq km of mirrors to reduce temperature on earth while producing energy, may work. Solar energy is said to be too expensive to compete and there are no real free economy of competition, so even though we can produce the energy to a much lower cost, we are ignored and needs the supreme power of one and all for peace and integrity.

Rajananand Dhananjaya
postboks / P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway



Dato: Mon, 15 May 2006 15:40:32 +0200 (CEST)
Fra: "kontaktinformasjon
Emne: UIW bygge bro ved tverrfaglighet og partidannelser
Til: astrid@findreng.net
Her er mine visjoner om tegneprogram som kan erstatte de fleste arkitekter i det private og offentlige mm. Velkommen med på vårt initiativ.
Det slår meg at en som fra kunstnerisk ståsted tegner industribygg må finne vår logo ekstremt fasinerende, den er grunnkonstruksjon i mange forskjellige konstruksjoner, patenter, skip, fly, bygg....
Det gikk ikke an å nytte pcen på biblioteket til opplast av program, men finner vi en avtale for å lære meg 3D finner vi nok en mulighet.
Hører gjerne fra deg om de 4 innbydelsene gitt!
Partisystemets galskap finnes i en diskusjon om tverrfaglighet med 2 studenter i eksperter i team ved NTNU. Vi diskuterte fagekspertenes korrupte rolle ved ikke å formidle til samfunnet relevansen av deres fagekspertise, med mindre de blir betalt ved NTNU 2 milliarder hvistnok i året å ha 20 000 studenter som disipliner som i tillit må lære mer og mer om mindre og mindre og være avhengig av eksperter på topplan får å danne relevante tverrfaglige utviklinger. Jeg brukte eksempel, jeg søkte å beregne overflaten på en kule, men for å gjøre det må man være ekspert for å finne formelen, den er ikke lett tilgjengelig, selv om lett en komputerdatabase kunne vist en 3d kule og ved alle beregninger  ønsket ved denne, kun å fylle ut radius i oversikten over kulefunksjoner ved programmet. Denne beregning er et enkelt eksempel som varmer opp for det mer avanserte og tverrfaglige. Det er intet i veien for å bygge en komputer med robot program som kan erstatte alle arkitekter i det private og offentlige innen dagens funksjoner, noen få arkitekter vil det alltid være bruk for med spesialkunnskap, kanskje en prosent av dagens antall. Vi kan utbrodere eksempelet men nøyer oss med å poengtere at selv barn kan tegne et hus rett inn på tomta, ganske enkelt fordi computeren kan presentere alle muligheter for å tegne hus på tomte innen gitte begrensninger som tomt, størrelse, budsjett, reguleringsbestemmelser, ønsker for rom etc. og ta alle hensyn både skjønnsmessig og praktisk, faktisk bedre enn arkitekten fordi i alle sammenheng kan man optimalisere nytten og økonomien ved statistiske beregninger relevant for begrensninger ønsket, for eksempel økonomi. Tegne huset rett inn på tomta i 3d vist sammen med alle hus i området, solas gang i løpet av året og døgnet, ingeniørberegninger for materialbruk med regnestykke for kostnader i samsvar med tilbud på markedet i dag. En stor robot kunne bygge huset på en dag eller 2 med, politikere, nyetableringsstøttespillere med mer ignorerer vår innbydelse til samspill om realiseringen og trolig fordi det er ekstrem korrupsjon på området. Om der var fritt næringsliv ved bygging av egen bolig i samsvar med § 101 i Grunnloven uten varige hindringer fra kommunene som ved irrasjonelle rasjonaliseringer totalt hemmer og fordyrer bygging av bolig, ville det vært rimelig å bygge seg praktvilla, billigere enn en liten blokkleilighet i tettbygd strøk! Ved litt meditering over disse 2 eksempler og det forhold at enhver anvendelse av kunnskap innebærer tverrfaglighet, eller det faglige begrepet komparativ forskning studie, vil man se at det er inntresant også for den videre debatt på NTNUs årlige eksperter i team møte. Det ble nemlig sagt at poenget er å bygge bro mellom eksperter, nemlig at man måtte ta hensyn til ekspertenes rolle, betale dem, mens tjenerskap er forventet å organisere slik at man ikke merker de er der som ved tilgangen til ekspertise i eksempelet ikke skal være korrupt organisert, for eksempel ved at man må betale arkitekter kanskje 50 000 kr for å sende inn byggesøknad, noe som kunne vært automatisk med umiddelbart automatisk svar og aksept, ved komputerprogrammet. Dette gjelder for all anvendelse av kunnskap ved bygging av kunnskapspyramider, konstruering av det minimum man trenger å vite for å være på toppen av et problem, ha en relevant optimalisert anvendelse av kunnskap i forhold utfordringen som skal løses. For å bygge en kunnskaps pyramide skulle man ikke trenge å være ekspert i det hele tatt, eksperter er inhabile og forutinntatte, generelt snakket for slikt, uten at dette nødvendigvis trenger å være et hinder for deres bruk sin ekspertise i tverrfaglig bygging av kunnskaps pyramider. Vi har sett hvordan dette har relevans for politikk i Norge, politikeres desintegrering av grunnlovens verdier for beskyttelse av folks rettigheter, tillates uten spørsmål fra universitetet som mottar 2 milliarder i året og mer!
Å finne løsninger ved administrasjon av landet er organisert som tverrfaglighet, hvor man unaturlig har definert fagområder ved partidannelser og deres posisjonering i forhold til spørsmål som radikale målsetninger eller konservative, hvor slike verdier er 2 sider av samme mynt eller et aspekt av problemstilling hvor verdiene må taes hensyn til uansett hvem som løser dem i mer eller mindre grad. Oftest representerer det at et parti tar en verdi nedfelt i grunnloven til inntekt for seg og et annet parti et annet aspekt, så gjør de det hele om til et politisk spørsmål basert på økonomi, sløser bort ressursene på korrupsjon og sier at man ikke kan fullbyrde helt statsansvaret fordi det ikke er nok til begge deler. Velgeren som deler saksverdier med et parti, for å fremme denne sak ved å stemme på partiet må samtidig akseptere hele den offentlige korrupsjon som partiet representer, ved å gi penger over statsbudsjettet kjøper partiene organisert velgere til å god for korrupsjonen. Kjøp og salg av stemmer er ikke lov og Stortingsvalget var derfor ugyldig, en av et dusin grunner ved et dusin paragrafer i vår Grunnlov.
Ovenstående er kun til debatt og del av en personlig bok som skrives i forhold til plikter ved utdannelse og representerer ikke stiftelsenes offesielle syn. Stiftelsenes program trancenderer disse problemstillinger og ved integritet blir det mere å gjøre for fageksperter noen tiår enn uten, for folk flest også om de ønsker å bidra til biblioteket for enheten av vitenskap.
Man må skille mellom min private og personlige bok og ovenstående forskning i forhold til våre stiftelser og deres utgangspunkt, som transenderer de problem presentert over og tar ikke stilling til dem.
The University of the Integrity of the World (UIW)
is a research university focusing on the role of science in verifying knowledge as within safe limits of application and with obvious important balances of the environment and the health of people. Safety first for mankind is a most important approach where in the name of science so many wrong things has happened on the cost of coming generations.
The University was known as The Faculty of Wholeness Norway and with a new name according to the theme of the year, theme of Universitas Week, The Human Institute of Comparative Research Study of the Faculty, now, in general given a new name, Integrity Institute of Comparative Research Study. The Year of Global Integrity establishes a new role for this faculty of wholeness, one of several independent foundation with this name of the enterprise.
The science of wholeness enterprise focusing the scientific approach to knowledge on science and university function, may be said to be the science about universities. “Universitas” the Latin root of the word “university” indicates 2 classical values of a university by its meaning “turned into one whole”, 2 meanings which is like to sides of the same coin or oneness. The first value is action(turned), the other the product (wholeness). Turning knowledge into a whole is done by the process of integrating knowledge by the scientific standards and authorities of a university and theoretically by teaching students or by research developing the disciplines as reference base, and this process leads to the integration of science in society by general knowledge of persons upholding activity with their
accomplishments of science and new values of science and technology by research likewise and by more skilled action or better technology, as far as science contribute to positive developments in society. Unfortunately so much technological development in the name of scientific verification has been isolated growth on the cost of the whole, owing to lack of the wholeness Universitas represents. Examples may be verifications of cars and standards for communication, on the cost of the whole with global warming, a cost established around 1997 as “scientific” according to experts at Oxford university, still with a 50 years perspective of the oceans rising 50 cm, know experts at NASA has concluded the problem is accelerating and immediate action within the first 10 years is needed, but still they do not know all to calculate and shift of weather may be giving the north pole periods of serious hot weather for instance. Ozone layer destroyed is another example, it is about the oxygen balance we can not afford to disturb, either. Both reasons for scientist around the world and universities as well, to join in the Integrity Network of  UIW. After all knowledge is fundamental for the development of world society and the role of universities is to protect the integrity and purity, the scientific standards of knowledge, when society adapts to the chances of society and development of science and knowledge. So the other side of the coin, the Latin root, the value of wholeness, is the qualities of the wholeness, the authority of science, coming to the process of integrating knowledge in world development on all levels. So the historic meaning of a university has 2 sides, integration and the integrity of the whole, both coming to internal and external values of a university. Integration and integrity both is needed to be a university, something more than a specialized school. UIW is a university representing one of the top levels of the integrity or wholeness of the world and as scholars at Oxford University and NASA has pointed out is a immediate need and as conclusion a must for universities to share responsibility for. We therefore suggests that leading scientists and Presidents of universities, take one quarter of the year as President for UIW and administrates it as an ongoing congress around the world, around the year. We shall be grateful to receive application for the position as President and vice presidents of the university as well as interest for establishing one such university in each country including building projects. The science of wholeness enterprise by its many foundations and research universities represents an invitation to all universities, large organisations and businesses as UN  and governments to establish their own but also independent Integrated Growth Faculty. Such a Peace Faculty with 5 institutes of comparative research study represents both the growth of a university as well as world development while the process of integrating the disciplines within one university may this way be in optimum coherence with the global growth of the library of the unity of science. Groups of persons or students may also apply for establishing a building project for a new faculty, usually opened by a Universitas Week congress, the week first given in January 1980 by the founder of the enterprise and foundations, Rajananand Dhananjaya, back then registered as citizen of Norway with the name Stein roar Andersen.
UIW as a research university fulfils the role of a university, by Latin root universitas, by turning knowledge into one whole in the process of integrating knowledge in society.
 A university integrates knowledge in society by teaching knowledge to others for their integration in action or by supporting this process of integration by developing or integrating knowledge for the university functioning. “turning into one whole” is a Latin _expression of the integrity of the world reflected by the root of the word university; universitas! UIW hope to establish a network of scientists around the world in order to make a map of imbalances to be met and a map of opportunities to fulfil the development of world society, to best see how to make a good combination for the world to enjoy integrated growth. UIW says, safety first, safety for one and all, all for one, one for all!
Sanscrit and Latin is mother languages of indoeuropean languages we are told, and Sanscrit have a word close to the responsibility following the wholeness of a university, the integrity of the process of integrating knowledge, turning into one whole! Dharma respresents the natural duties comming with a position, the responsibilities given, codes of honour!

Yours Sincerely (mvh)
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Postboks 22, 7400 Trondheim


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Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:15:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dhananjaya Rajananand" <rajananda108@yahoo.com>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Solution to Global Warming løsningen på global oppvarming
To: "Per-Morten Kjøl" <per@byavisa.no>, 1000tipset@dagbladet.no, 2200@vg.no, ap.postmottak@stortinget.no, frp.postmottak@stortinget.no, hoyre.postmottak@stortinget.no, info@nrk.no, inquiries@un.org, krf.postmottak@stortinget.no, lars.jacobsen@ntb.no, mmred@aftenposten.no, "nrk" <nyheter@nrk.no>, ole.fadnes@dn.no, postmottak@smk.dep.no, "press" <medieseksjonen@adm.ntnu.no>, "press" <nina.tveter@ntnu.no>, Send an Instant Message rajananand_dhananjaya@yahoo.no, redaksjon@adresseavisen.no, "rek" <astrid.lagreid@ntnu.no>, "rek" <torbjorn.digernes@ntnu.no>, sp.postmottak@stortinget.no, steinar.bastesen@stortinget.no, stortinget.postmottak@stortinget.no, sv.postmottak@stortinget.no, tips@fedrelandsvennen.no, vaktsjef@ntb.no, venstre.postmottak@stortinget.no

Man er usikker på hvor fort klimaendringer kan gi ekstrent uheldige virkninger, og antar at det kan ta lang tid før noe skjer i større grad. Dette samtidig med at problemet er registrert med akselrerende momentum, gjør at man burde være oppmerksom på at en fasetransformasjon kan finne sted, ikke bare at dagens tall gir så mye endring om 100 år om samme trend uten innlagt akselrasjonskurver. Vi kan ikke tillate oss å riskere, selv med ekstremt liten sannsynlighet, at verden ødelegges.
Å lovfeste fartsgrense på 30 km i timen som eksempel for alle land er en god og øyeblikkelig start, samtidig med at vår løsning på problemet med å senke temperaturen med en halv grad celsius for å stabilisere gies støtte. Vi innbyr verdens folk i å være med i et nettverk for å fremme denne utviklingen ved Verdens Samvittighets Stemme, rent intet politisk globalt demokrati altså.
Vi har også utviklet mindre utgaver som er meget høyere i forhold til omkrets, leviterende seilfly som også kan nyttes til å frakte folk og varer. Vi har foreslått for Enova i rekomandert brev å nytte de 20 milliarder ved vår disposisjon og deres administrasjon for åfremme dette prosjektet som kan produsere ekstreme mengder med rimelig og miljøvennlig energi samtidig som det motvirker den dårlige innflytelsen fra tidligere forrurensning. 200% oppfylling av fondet for miljøvennlig energi sin hensikt altså. Vi har beregnet 100 maskinger ved reduksjon av temperaturen med 1 grad på et år, men om en dag er naturlig beregningsgrunnlag vil 36500 slike maskiner være påkrevd. Da er en utgave som har så masse praktiske funksjoner at den kan utkonkurere all fly trafikk, all skipsfart og det meste av dårlig energi forbruk et ekstremt gunstig utgangspunkt og balansert av global demokratisk kontroll, slik at man ikke overforbruker og reduserer temperaturen for meget.
Vi innbyr media til å starte debatten og alle til å fremme utviklingen, for eksempel ved å bestille mitt personlige abonnement 5til 52 kr året med ukentlig nyhetsmail!
"Klimasystemet er så komplekst at det er vanskelig å beregne visse aspekter ved oppvarmingen: hvor raskt den vil komme, hvor store endringene vil bli, og nøyaktig hvor de vil komme. På tross av dette synes forskere å være overbevist av følgende:
De indre kontinenter vil varmes mer opp enn havet, og det blir størst oppvarming på høyere bredder. Noe is i polare strøk vil smelte og verdenshavene vil varmes opp. Dette vil på sikt gi høyere havnivå. Det hydrologiske kretsløpet vil endres og bli kraftigere, noe som kan gi mer ekstremt vær og lede til endringer i vannforsyning og fordeling av flom og tørke. Vi vet ikke sikkert hvilke utslag oppvarmingen vil få omkring i verden, men det ventes betydelige regionale forskjeller i effekter av klimaendringer. "
med debatten om NTNU og SINTEFs konferanse om controling greenhousegasses

Yours Sincerely (mvh)
Rajananand Dhananjaya
postboks / P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim, Norway
This following page is presenting my chance of name from Stein Roar Andersen to R. Dhananjaya in 2004 according and in respons to the local newspaper in Trondheim half a page report:
World Constitution Fund, also known as World Peace Fund by the Constitution of World Peace, President Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
Account in Sweden by the bank; Foreninngssparbanken AB Åre
account number 7887-13-09952
(kontonummer ref.) IBAN SE6580000000078871309952
We shall be grateful to receive a donation, please, be free to send a contribution to the above account. A E-subscription for one year on my personal Global Times Weekly Newsletter costs only 1 kr each that is 52 kr Swedish or Norwgeian, NOK or SEK, and an apllication may be sent the account with your emailadress, too!

World Constitution Fund, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
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