GSE Global Stock Exchange / GSE
To promote integrated growth
where people and organisations may demonstrate integrity by cheking with GSE if there are any isolated growths on the cost
of the whole involved as well as for those in business to do the same as well enjoying complete reference to a company and
alternatives within GSE.
GSE also serves as a reference
centre for environmental and humanitarian friendly approches and networks to promote the best alternatives. GSE may also serve
as a timeshare auction by internet for exchance of values directly between 2 users and we invite all in the timeshare business
to cooperate with GSE, and at the same time a old things and assistance exchance outside the money system as well. Always
only between 2 directly and Global Bank has a greeneconomy money for the exchange, with a litlle tax, some people participating
gives things to developing countries, too!
A product and advertising
system in the interests of the consumer, related to reference centre with criticism and alternatives, too!
Subject: Integrated Growth
Faculty eSubscription available
Integrated Growth Faculty,
an opportunity for all universities,
National and city governments,
international organizations etc.
The invitation is and has
been to all universities, to open a Peace
Faculty of Comparative Research
Study since 1980. Such a science of
Wholeness enterprise faculty
with 4 institutes of comparative research study
may be a catalyst for the
universities integration of its own disciplines
and this process of integration
in optimal coherence with our library
of the unity of science.
We now in order to adjust world development
with growth life supporting
also for the environment uphold the invitation
with a Integrated Growth
Faculty which is such a faculty of wholeness,
but with 5 institutes of
comparative research study, with the
Integrated Growth Institute,
which actually is a part of institute 2 of the
original 4, but owing to
the need of time, is no also institute (2B or)
5, Institute of Integrated
Growth, which process of comparative research
study is based on the 4 institutes
of the Faculty of Wholeness!
Such an Integrated Growth
Faculty exist as an independent
foundation by NSD NTNU Innovation
we welcome all universities
to join in also by the Pyramid Games
competition to build the
best pyramids of fulfilled societies with technology
only life supporting.
Conferences, seminars and
congresses of integrated Growth themes is
planned and we shall be grateful
to receive you application in order to
join such a program.
World Constitution Fund,
P. O. Box
22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
Integrated growth is a more
fundamental concept than sustainable
development and also includes
a free minimum of clothing, food and housing to
Integrated growth represents
the true needed adaptation to the need,
opportunities and possibilities
of time, and those activities staying
inside the high standards
of the code of honor of integrated growth,
growth and activities not
obviously against needed safety standards coming
to possible environmental
disturbances and by the principles of not
violating the freedom of
others in any way, and absolutely not by destroying
the ecological balance and
future of mankind.
Unfortunately not many activities
may be said to be within this
standard, when communication
or transport is based on oil, economy has
statistic of poverty etc.
Therefore building a network and societies sand
businesses within the concept
and a global collective understanding and
possibility to favor solution
and products not directly or indirectly
destroying the future of
all children in the world, the future of mankind.
Unfortunately as war have
often been a result of leaders will to abuse
people also on their side,
it seems like there is a will to promote
ecological catastrophes because
then people is more dependent on their
leaders, not willing to do
anything unless they gain personal recognition
etc., which also seems sometimes
as the corruption of parliamentary.
Integrated growth may be
possible to uphold outside the enterprise, it
is extended integrated growth
which is activities inside the enterprise
as building new nations by
environmental cities!
Global Stock Exchange based
on standards of integrated growth and
standards of economy where
Global Stock Exchange
controls aspects of the company
in such a way that abuse or robbing
the values one is investing
in, is impossible, we hereby offer the world.
Each company registered must
by a fee quarterly according to how much
administration s needed and
by standardized routines also
computer routines for administration
for instance towards governments is possible. Only
our own activities is registered
by Global Stock Exchange established
like humanitarian foundation
some years ago by different name. Global
Stock Exchange includes a
system for advertisement as reference centre for
the High Society Consumer
or player in the world of business!
Global Stock Exchange represents
at the same time some of the best
opportunities for earning
more money than anyone have done before and for
many, be causing that which
is most agreeable for the billions of
citizens and their true interest,
of course represents the best
profit potential within integrated
Setting up businesses assisting
extended integrated growth likewise. As
setting up a business assisting
the 4-16-64 world peace campaign is a
true potential. The campaign
itself is not a business, it represents
the best interest of everyone
by universal cooperation between all
citizens in the world, however
setting up a business assisting the campaign
with campaign material and
advertisement for products reaching inside
some standards of Global
Stock Exchange indexes may be a good business.
If we reach 2 billion citizens
with economy to pay, the Global Times
E-subscription enjoys a potential
of US$ 3 billion, an income one may pay
the business assisting it
with. In fact Dhananjaya is given 80% of the
income to pay for assistance
as well as his own personal income
administrating the campaign.
Setting up a computer system with automatic
answer system 4 places in
the world may not cost more than
US$ 1 200,000 including persons
to run it, and 4 such offices is
planned established with
20% profit potential each. All registers all
subscribers. 4 stock companies
may be natural and we welcome to invest and the
profit potential may be agreed
if you are in position to invest. we
welcome cooperation accordingly.
When the system is fulfilled and profit
paid, other opportunities
to assist the campaign exist for such
companies as well!
A book is written by Dhananjaya
considering from a scientific point of
view Integrated Growth in
relation to sustainable development, a
concept well known but considering
the continues extreme pollution may be said
to be an economy still covering
the established leaders economy as far
as the environment is not
totally destroyed nor people protesting too
much. That is an economy
accepting the unacceptable, presented and
adjusted in a way that it
seems responsible from all points of view and
inviting people to protest
and stand together with those accepting the
corruption, - give respect
and support, and I shall protest for you,
is the corruption, where
a true protest would consider what to do from a
point of view of purely acceptable
means, no compromises! The concept
of socialecologicalpahasetransitioncollaps
is in many ways the need of
the book written and while
science is there verifying what technology
may be used in many ways,
presenting it for science to stand by, is a
good idea. It is planned
to presented for the degree of doctorphilos, but
any university wanting to
give Dhananjaya an honorable doctoral degree
on this basis is welcome
to do so, establishing a faculty of integrated
growth at the same time perhaps.
The Revolution of Science Encyclopedia
of the Unity of Science printed
in 10 000 copies and well received
around the world, was Dhananjaya's
first contribution to this, but then
from the point of view of
the scientific approach of integrated growth,
not from the point of view
of need of adjustments of all society.
Erich Fromm is known for
good analyzes of the development of second
world war from the point
of view of development of the social
character structure of the
people of Germany during a few centuries.
We are
developing such analyzes
for the understanding of the war in development, a war
against the foundations for
living a good life, against the world so to
say. Religious groups have
collectively demonstrated by suicide and one
may ask the question: is
this an example of the sickness of todays
world, that there are so
much to be ashamed of that one stand by the
sickness to demonstrate some
togetherness giving some relief from the shame
of being isolated from the
world according to Fromm’s analyzes on this
Global Stock Exchange takes
pride in the great joy of offering such a
generous opportunity to raise
business above the shame of the Holocaust
economy of today both in
relationships to the statistic of poverty as
well as making the whole
world a gas chamber. Money laundry in order to
enjoy pure wealth we offer
by many opportunities where investments are
good. Enjoying US$ 12 million
for instance may be said great, persons
with that much money may
still seek to earn more and more money, and
perhaps that is because the
money is not pure wealth. Anartha is the
opposite of artha (Sanskrit
for wealth) and the opposite is not poverty,
but that which brings shame,
ill health etc. It is no wrong in earning
billions if the money is
pure and decent, but one should not do anything
in order to earn the money
itself, one should always be on a higher
level than that. Unfortunately
the disturbance of economy and chance of
society has made it difficult
to see these time-honored principles of high
society and one tend to be
lost in the game of economy itself.
concept formation - socialecologicalphasetransitioncollaps
The Revolution of Science
Together for Peace
was the title of the 10 000
books we printed in 1986 well received
around the world. we then
said the science of wholeness enterprise
represented the opportunity
of fulfillment for mankind or the development of
world society, and invited
people to join in before it is too late. Peace
and healthy world society
and the atomic bomb was not the only thing we
was thinking about and scientist
reported possible disturbance of the
ecological systems and predicted
developments as global warming, now a
fact. 1997 scientist at Oxford university set as time this was
established a fact. several
of just a few of worlds ecological systems is out
of balance and the nature
of the ecological system is being destroyed,
some of it never to be repaired.
Manipulation of genetic structure of
foods and more seems like
a worse danger to mankind than a total atomic
wear, because it is no terror
balance to stop it, and it is not in
control and has a development
lacking the intelligence of protecting the
world. The economic and technological
development is like a train taking us
all into the gas chamber
of a disturbed atmosphere, so it is not only a
Holocaust economy or train
related to the effect of poverty with
statistic telling more than
50 000 children is dying every day. It is a
terrible possibility of the
destruction of all families in the world, the
future of mankind. The possibility
may represent a sudden chance in one
area, giving sudden changes
in other areas as well so we may talk about
a phase transition. When
water is freezing to ice, the chance into solid
ice is called a phase transition.
Such a phase transition may come in
society or the ecological
system or both in many ways, one may be by
the disturbance of the oxygen
balance of 21% is it. No one knows exactly
what is governing this precise
balance which we depends on, however the
rapid destruction of the
rainforest and disturbance of the oceans of
the world, certainly may
give a phase transition, not needing any chance
in society to be what the
new concept is all about.
There is no one in the train
to stop it; it is following its own
intelligence and there is
no one there with both position and intelligence to
stop it if there should be
some last warning. Therefore ladies and
gentlemen, everyone, we have
to go together and be there to do what is
needed to do in order to
fulfill our responsibility for the world, for our
friends and family, for our
self. This is called New Fundamental Human
Right and Duty and we can
only hope that it is not too late. 4-16-64 is
the one and only answer transcending
the problems with the intelligence
needed to give an answer
to the need, challenge and opportunities of
time. Now, is the time to
act, everyone!
A very important new concept.
The movement Together for
Peace celebrated UNs international Year of
Peace 1986 with seasonal
celebrations. At spring equinox we enjoyed a harp
concert with Willy Postma
at Ringve Museum
and at summer solstice with
the bells of Nidaros Cathedral
and songs associated with peace, as part
of our celebrations around
the year.
UN secretariat of the year
wrote to the founder R. Dhananjaya, then
Stein Roar Andersen by name
registration as citizen of Norway, "We
appreciate your effort in
promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.
As founded by Dhananjaya,
this principle is Together for Peace, that
all of us living on this
beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow
together, enjoy progress
and fulfillment together.
For more than 5000 years
ago it is said the philosophy was yoga stah
kuru karmani or: Established
in the Royal Union of Integrity, act please!
Established in the Royal
Union of Integrity,
then act, please!
The Royal principle is also
called New Fundamental Human Right and Duty
by World Declaration of New
Fundamental Human Right and Duty and World
Constitution (of non -religious,
-profit and -political world
democracy)! establishing
a global safety net for all, new Fundamental Global
Order by global cooperation
between the citizens of our global homeland
is what the constitution
is about and nothing else!
e invites all citizens in
the world to join in fulfilling world
development by the one and
only world constitution
The science of wholeness
enterprise established January 1980 by a new
humanitarian university foundation
is proud to have developed the
enterprise to be up to date
and still the best opportunity for mankind
coming to raising above the
shame and problems not any problem to
solve, if we go together
and enjoying the opportunity. We do not compete or
uphold any religion or political
program; we just want to add something
new, New Fundamental Global
Order protecting us all. Introduction is
given by World Peace Campaign
E-subscription with a few new pages from
our E-book for each newsletter!
We do have only one world,
We shall be grateful to receive
your application for our
E-subscription. Please, see
main/home -page!
Universitas, a new nation
(English introduction)
Dear, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
New Scientist introduces
your dedication to meet the problem and it is
therefore a great joy to
inform you that a solution is found. Global
warming may be reduced by
letting the heat out and to produce energy from
it when warm air from below
is sucked out into the cold air higher up.
The patent with solar energy
heating of the air as well is presented
here as mandala cubus:
We also have patents for
small rooms of vacuum to
walls for better isolation.
We invite the state government
you represent to offer us a business
opportunity as we are offering
you one, by giving land and permission to
build a building and invest
these to values in a stock company together
with the price, you pay and
organize of registration patents in USA
these originally developed
patents. A good profit potential we
shall give such an investment
if we find your cooperation and good land
according to rules we may
Integrated growth strategy
is to establish a complete solution to all
needs of transport in the
world, without using valuable oil, more
natural used for recycling
plastic products. it also means making all houses
self-sufficient with production
of energy and well isolated. We have a
complete solution, all the
way - good opportunity and example of the
meaning of the concept of
Integrated Growth. The transport system is for
building the infrastructure
of world peace, however it very well may be
the best solution for all
transport in the world based on solar, wind,
wave, earth warmth and greenhouse
energy production.
All universities by its scientists
have been approving modern technology
all the way by scientific
ok, but only from the point of view of
isolated growth, not from
the point of view of world society and the world as
a whole. Integrated Growth
Faculty which all universities and
governments may apply for
opening through a 7 day program of Universitas Week,
supports the reference centre
of the Library of the Unity of Science
with the information needed
for the world to start adjusting the
development to the whole,
not only isolated developments in many areas often on
the cost of the whole and
non scientific value of safety first!
Integrated Growth Faculty also cooperates with the innovation
university in order to develop
reference centers for developing new technology,
which is science in itself,
the science of the integration of knowledge
and know how in society.
The integrated growth focus of science on its
own potential in this relation
is a part of the Integrated Growth
Faculty. When a university
gives an application to our Institute of
integrated Growth by World
Constitution Fund to arrange a Universitas Week in
order to establish a local
Integrated Growth Faculty with both
theoretical and applied research,
we also shall be grateful to hear whom they
promotes as the President
of the local faculty and what name it is going to
have. As our faculty is the
Faculty of Integrated Growth Trondheim by
President Dhananjaya established
years ago as an independent foundation,
Faculty of Wholeness. we
also shall like to hear what physical location
for the faculty one wants,
for instance where the office of the
President is meant to be.
We welcome cooperation with us for building a Faculty
hall, a new building or a
triumphal arch pavilion with offices, the
architecture of such building
we already have, if a proper place to build
it is found.
we shall be grateful to hear
from everyone interested by an application
for a Global Times E-subscription
as well, by world peace campaign.
Integrated Growth Faculty
E-subscription available for only about US$12
the subject of your mail
simply is:
Integrated Growth Faculty
The request of the mail is
To world Constitution Fund
Please, register an Integrated
Growth Faculty E-subscription costing
US$12 to be sent by me/ us
to Norway within a week or 2 by registration
confirmation by this email
address (nothing more or just add the
email dress
if different from the one
used). + name, address
The subscription is quarterly
and gives newsletter updated with
opportunities of conferences,
seminars, congresses etc. and introductions to
the concepts of the science
of wholeness enterprise. Not more than once
a week or less than once
a month the newsletter is sent and it
includes Global Times quarterly
magazine E-edition!